Waiting can be due to a lot of thigns, wait for discounts, or maybe youre waiting to finish all your games first before buying a new one, etc.
Or are you a packrat, who even with 20 games unfinished wants the latest, good game in your collection?
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In general, no. Only if it's a new release in a series I follow, like the next Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy (main series only, I skip side series for even the series I follow). If it's something completely new, I wait until I've had more time to evaluate it.
Then again, I'm buying Uncharted 2 first day. But my original rule definitely applied when I saw LittleBigPlanet: GOTY Edition. I was all, "INSTABUY!" (Modnation Racers Beta!)I just buy a random game I've been wanting (for what's available in the store I'm browsing) every month or so. There's ALWAYS games to buy.
Depends entirely on the game. I won't wait to pick up a gauranteed quality title on the day of release (Uncharted 2), however I will wait to pick up a buggy PC release until things get better, even though I want it badly (ARMA II for example). It's case by case.
Depends on the game.Treflis
I have only bought two games on release date this gen, and I ended up selling one.
I bought a few games on release date to be dissapointed or see them discounted so much later on. I try not to do this anymore
If it has competitive multiplayer and I know it's going to be good, I want it right away so I don't start playing after everyone's figured out all the good stuff and just kicks my butt all over the place. If its just a single player game, I can usually hold off at least until I can find a used copy.
if its that must have i was waiting for then im getting it on the first day.. but if its not super important then i will wait for price drops and free time.
In my case, it depends on how much i am looking forward to the game. If it is something I really want (FALLOUT 3 and CHAMPIONS online most recently) I will usually go to a midnight launch or be at the store when it opens on launch day if no midnight launch. I usually wait a couple of weeks, or until I have the money, or until a friend buys it so i can try it or at least see what it looks like. And get my friends thoughts on it too.
Well I am a packrat, but I am a cheap packrat. I will usually wait for a game to drop in price a few times before I purchase it. I waited a while for Company of Heroes and got it and an expansion for only $5. A couple of years ago this wasn't really the case. But nowadays I will wait and get it later.
It depends on the game. Some games I want on release,others can wait. Reasons to wait: (1) I have doubts if the game is to my tastes. (2)I don't want to pay full price for games that I don't think are worth it (too little gameplay for example).
In this day and age there are so many good games coming out, I can't play them all at once anyway.
I usually just wait because its very rare I find a game worth $60.
I don't play video games anywhere near as much as I used to, so I wanna make sure I'm getting something worthwhile.
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