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Fatigues momentary. Breaks and life are important too. Gotta have pursuits outside of gaming that you feel your game time will steal or take away from.
and a very narrow goal in gaming for a specific time. To further the story till you're satisfied and can save your progress, or if competitive like, If I go back to CS or Tekken, I'm driven by the itching feeling of 'do I still got it?' or do I need a lot of practice?
Doesn't take a very long session to answer this question, and keeps the binge play levels reasonable.
When you feel like this, take a break from it..go out & enjoy sport or something active. :)
I take long breaks and I don't buy that many games anymore anyways. Â I don't think gaming should be a chore.
I've been taking a break from gaming because of school and because I got back in to watching anime. Now I'm about fatigued on anime and am about to go back to having video games take up most of my free time. Sometimes its nice to rotate between two hobbies so you don't get too burnt out on one of them.
I bought GTA V recently and was really excited for the first couple of days and weeks but now that spark of excitement or joy if you will has kinda simmered down for me. I'm not happy the new systems are coming out because I missed out on so many great games, I basically feel like i'm doing video game homework that i don't want to do with a deadline coming up. As of now my backlog stands at 18 games and counting forgot how many PSN games I downloaded and wanna buy. Has anybody else ever felt this way and how did you pull yourself out of being bored with video games? Also I wanna build a gaming PC and feel this is kinda holding back from doing that .PS_Spartan313
To me it sounds like you only want to play these games for the sake of playing and finishing them, not because you enjoy it. You should be playing games for the enjoyment and fun, and it shouldnt be like a chore. As for your comment on GTA5, its probably just a case of the novelty of having a new game wearing off.
Personally I'd suggest you take a break from gaming for a while, then go back and only play the games you really want to play, or the games in your backlog that excite you the most. If you're still not enjoying playing after a break, then you may well be "growing out" of video games completely. That has happened to quite a few of my friends as they've gotten older.
[QUOTE="PS_Spartan313"]I bought GTA V recently and was really excited for the first couple of days and weeks but now that spark of excitement or joy if you will has kinda simmered down for me. I'm not happy the new systems are coming out because I missed out on so many great games, I basically feel like i'm doing video game homework that i don't want to do with a deadline coming up. As of now my backlog stands at 18 games and counting forgot how many PSN games I downloaded and wanna buy. Has anybody else ever felt this way and how did you pull yourself out of being bored with video games? Also I wanna build a gaming PC and feel this is kinda holding back from doing that .evildead6789It's quite simple, the consoles don't do the games that are released now justice, I play a lot on my x360 because of the party chat, the consoles specific games (mortal kombat, fight night) and console exclusives (like dragon's dogma). Games like dead space 3, crysis, max payne 3, bioshock infinite I play on my pc because the console version is just too bad. Low framerate, system hiccups, low res textures, it feels like you get another old game with a new story and some new quirks but that doesn't keep me interested. It's also the reason i didn't buy gta V, as nice as the game might be , the game looks dated to me. Maybe you should wait to get the xboxone, ps4 or steambox or build a pc. I do find myself playing on pc when it comes to multiplats, i think you should the same thing. Also I see you play on playstation , i play on xbox, the party chat makes gaming a lot more social. The chat services on pc are getting better too.
I'm a xbox fan so i will support microsoft.
That's a strange way to think of things. Just buy a game when you can afford it and play it when you feel like it. I don't get the whole backlog thing. So what if you have to catch up to a million game out there? Just play them when you feel like it. Sometimes playing out of hype and pressure makes you cynical and critical and enjoy the game less.Â
It's quite simple, the consoles don't do the games that are released now justice, I play a lot on my x360 because of the party chat, the consoles specific games (mortal kombat, fight night) and console exclusives (like dragon's dogma). Games like dead space 3, crysis, max payne 3, bioshock infinite I play on my pc because the console version is just too bad. Low framerate, system hiccups, low res textures, it feels like you get another old game with a new story and some new quirks but that doesn't keep me interested. It's also the reason i didn't buy gta V, as nice as the game might be , the game looks dated to me. Maybe you should wait to get the xboxone, ps4 or steambox or build a pc. I do find myself playing on pc when it comes to multiplats, i think you should the same thing. Also I see you play on playstation , i play on xbox, the party chat makes gaming a lot more social. The chat services on pc are getting better too.[QUOTE="evildead6789"][QUOTE="PS_Spartan313"]I bought GTA V recently and was really excited for the first couple of days and weeks but now that spark of excitement or joy if you will has kinda simmered down for me. I'm not happy the new systems are coming out because I missed out on so many great games, I basically feel like i'm doing video game homework that i don't want to do with a deadline coming up. As of now my backlog stands at 18 games and counting forgot how many PSN games I downloaded and wanna buy. Has anybody else ever felt this way and how did you pull yourself out of being bored with video games? Also I wanna build a gaming PC and feel this is kinda holding back from doing that .sukraj
I'm a xbox fan so i will support microsoft.
you better support the poor, microsoft is just a companyThat's a strange way to think of things. Just buy a game when you can afford it and play it when you feel like it. I don't get the whole backlog thing. So what if you have to catch up to a million game out there? Just play them when you feel like it. Sometimes playing out of hype and pressure makes you cynical and critical and enjoy the game less.Â
Good point queen. See the inherent dangers of American hype, crowd psych, and marketing culture kids? But noooo. Eeeveryone wants to lay 'complete' blame at the foot of the product.
I get burnout from individual genres. But, tired of gaming itself? No. I'm actually taking my first break from flight sims ever since I took up the genre back in the 80's. I had been playing FSX literally every day since 2006. FPS games, I get burned out every few years. I haven't resumed playing modern warfare and WW2 FPS games aside from ARMA 2.
When I get tired of gaming, I just take a break for a few days. I will end up wanting to jump back in.
Im sure when next gen hits, it will make you want to get back into gaming.
Maybe try a different genre of gaming? What types of games do you play?
I know I was getting tired of online multiplayer, because the mindless killing just got repetitive to me, so I switched to more single player games and found a new style I enjoy and love. I fell in love with videogames all over again.
This is what I do as well. Usually works pretty good.I've been taking a break from gaming because of school and because I got back in to watching anime. Now I'm about fatigued on anime and am about to go back to having video games take up most of my free time. Sometimes its nice to rotate between two hobbies so you don't get too burnt out on one of them.
I know most would disagree, but minor spoilers are a good way to curb a growing backlog and avoid the hype machine. Nowadays I youtube more games than I buy. After watching the first 10 - 15 minutes, I can separate the hype from deciding is this game something I want to invest my precious time and hard earned money in.
[QUOTE="sukraj"][QUOTE="evildead6789"] It's quite simple, the consoles don't do the games that are released now justice, I play a lot on my x360 because of the party chat, the consoles specific games (mortal kombat, fight night) and console exclusives (like dragon's dogma). Games like dead space 3, crysis, max payne 3, bioshock infinite I play on my pc because the console version is just too bad. Low framerate, system hiccups, low res textures, it feels like you get another old game with a new story and some new quirks but that doesn't keep me interested. It's also the reason i didn't buy gta V, as nice as the game might be , the game looks dated to me. Maybe you should wait to get the xboxone, ps4 or steambox or build a pc. I do find myself playing on pc when it comes to multiplats, i think you should the same thing. Also I see you play on playstation , i play on xbox, the party chat makes gaming a lot more social. The chat services on pc are getting better too. evildead6789
I'm a xbox fan so i will support microsoft.
you better support the poor, microsoft is just a companyI 'll do my best lol.
I only buy and play the games I want to at the time so I have no backlog to "haunt" me.
But yeah a one or two week break might be the thing you need. Whenever I had to stop gaming for some time I felt my interest rekindled a bit when I got back to it.
And just play the games you really want to and enjoy - not just because you "have" to shorten your backlog list.
I abandoned the idea of the having "gaming time" and replaced it with just "leisure time". I always had the idea that I had to have some game on the go, when I finish one game I'd need to fill that time with the next. It made gaming feel almost like a job, always pressure to get through some of the backlog, or keep up with current hype, or remain "well-read" in the gaming world.
But now I do whatever I want in my leisure time, no blocked off time just for gaming. I don't feel the pressure to play filler games or games I should experience or finish just for the sake of experiencing or finishing them. If I get in to a good book or TV show and don't end up gaming for a month , so be it. When a game comes out that seems worth my time above everything else, I'll know it and i'll have a great time.
If someone isn't enjoying gaming they should stop and find another hobby, coming back to gaming only if they feel the urge (and maybe never coming back). There are lots of fun pastimes out there.
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