Splinter Cell is more linear (in the sense that you are put in a room or scenario and have to go the other end type thing - still very open in terms of how you get there and what you do) while AC is toally open world.
That being said, I think SC is the much better game generally and the much much better game in tersm fo stealth.
SC has insane graphics, great story and voice acting and top notch stealth play.
AC has very crappy stealth play (essentially, if you tip off the gaurds, you have to find and jump in a pile of hay until they give up on finding you).
AC's open worldness and gameplay in tersm of jumping around are outstanding.
Personally, I was blown away by AC for the first 10 minutes (because of the open worldness and gameplay) but after that the game for me personally (and a lot of people according to the forums) became so ridiolously repetative that I could not comprehend how the game ever got released and how anyone actually liked it. Reviews for the game are either incredible or very bad so I guess its a matter of personal taste as to whether its fun or repetitive.
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