I did not like Origins, but so far I like Odyssey.
The easiness of fighting largely depends on the difficulty level, your level and the skills you have unlocked. In order to assassinate your level enemies or enemies that are bit above you (cause you can, the difference in Origins was that you could not), you need to put skills in assassin techniques and wear assassin type gear (next to the gear specs it reads what this gear increases: warrior, hunter or assassin damage). I wear a mix between warrior and assassin, and never ran into any troubles (hell, in Athens I fought against 4 bounty hunters and a butt load of villagers, who decided it's time to shine on their suicide tendencies, at the same time and won, although, I play on medium difficulty (so, normal, I guess it would be in this game). And that's the difference between Origins and Odyssey. In Origins fighting more than one mercenary was nigh to impossible for me, in Odyssey - peace of cake. Finally, I again feel like a terminator, mowing down enemies. Well, that's largely for the fact that you are a demigod, but whatevs. It's fun. I really don't understand your problem with fighting? Either lower the game's difficulty, if you find it too hard, or simply get better gear (which actually, you come across in the game like trash, seriously, stealth kill an NPC - you get gear, loot a chest, chances are you will get gear etc.) and level up to get skills. Also, don't try to level up your gear until you hit your final levels, better invest in to your ship than gear. Also, choose your skills wisely. Read the description of what each skill does, don't put points into one skill, mix-and-mash. I reccomend, if it is that difficult for you, to get a skill, which let's you get back a part of your health back (second wind, I think the skill's name is). That way, at least in the beginning you will not die, unless you don't use it. And when you upgrade it, you will virtually be unkillable.
There are literally thousands of places to hide. You see a loan bush? Go in to it. Your character is hidden. Lonely patch of tall grass? Go for it. Never had a problem with sneaking.
P.S. If you run in to trouble while at sea, for example, multiple ships want to kill ya. Try to quickly dispatch one ship, board it, kill off enemies there, then without getting back to your ship, jump to open water and board other vessels with your character (the enemy ships literally wont do anything until you take back control of your ship). Kill off every enemy on the ships surrounding you, get back on your ship. And sink the vacant ships. Voila, problems solved. Although, this may have been patched in later versions, I'm using 1.06 version.
P.P.S. DODGE. Dodge is your friend. You see an npc raising his weapon? Dodge out of the way (correct timing enables "bullet-time" (weapon time, actually) and kill the mofo down in slow motion).
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