I've played quite a few hours now on Assassin's Creed, and at first I thought the story was pretty interesting and the game looked and sounded great, etc. But now I just find the whole thing utterly tedious and damn well awful. The hud and the whole animus thing just seems like a crap gimmic with annoying little sound effects, there's nothing and no one to interact with, the combat is dull and unrealistic, and the controls end up seeming really badly designed (it's meant to be a stealth game and you can't crouch, also Splinter Cell works perfectly well having subtle pushes on the analogue stick move you from a slow pace to a sprint, and just one button for jump, and the Shadow of the Colossus grip system makes climbing more challenging and realistic).
The game just feels not fun at all, and I can't believe it's the same people who did Prince of Persia (which I love!) and that the game got such a high score, and continues to get very high user scores - has everyone gone mad! I know everyone has different preferences, but seriously, the more I play the more I realise this game is utterly flawed. Mass Effect got bashed in it's review over little things, and Kane & Lynch gets an average user score of 3 just because the guns feel a bit inaccurate and the cover mechanic doesn't work brilliantly. Assassin's Creed doesn't work as a free roam game, which it attempts to give the illusion of, but even in a linear way it fails miserably.
I think it shows great patience if you can look past the flaws and see the story through, but no one seems to acknowledge it's basicly half a game.
Am I alone in my opinion?
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