out of all the nis america games ive played atelier rorona was the one i just didnt understand what was so bad about it(sure it got 6/10 usualy which isnt to terrible i supose but still ) i found it to be fun sure it had its flaw but what games perfect
i mean i liked the art direction in the game the designs where really adorable and in my eyes well done
the music was catchy as hell
the gameplay compared to other nis rpgs ive played was not to bad the battle system was meh but the whole crafting side of it in my eyes was cool and kept me playing the game ^^
and i liked the time management side of it i dont see the issue with it maybe its because im used to time limits in games since one of my fav games was pikmin on the gamecube (which also had a time limit) i dunno
the game also has lots and lots of charm to me ^^
that being said there where some things i didnt like
the graphics where pretty meh the character designs looked fine but the background looked awful in my eyes
the voice acting got on my nerves sure it isnt the worst acting ive seen but still it is a pain to listen to
the battle system needs work its alright but felt abit bland
so while i dont think atelier rorona was in all means a perfect masterpiece it isnt a bad and i think its atleast deserve a playthrough if your a fan of rpgs
and yes i have played totori and i thought it was much better just saying ^^(its actualy one of my fav ps3 games belive it or not)
but what did you think of it did you think critics where to harsh on it or where the critics fair (im talking about critic like gamespot or ign not like people saying there thoughs on the game because there actually nicer than the professional critics in my eyes
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