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land of the dead road to fidler's green for the xboxlbjkurono23
I actually enjoyed the game also. I felt when you first begin, it was pretty good. But when you got to the farm fields... it got dull. Luckily, that didn't last long and once the player hit the streets, it was pretty good. I don't feel it was worth the $50 that I paid for it(I'm a sucker for zombies), but if it was a $20 game, I would buy it in a heart beat.
ill tell you theres alot of underrated titles here, and overrated ones to ,
just look over in my collection 905 titles
and theres only 2 or 3 that i felt were reviewed on the nail,
they are goldeneye007 perfect dark and super mario 64 half are close and half arent even right,
driver paralel lines is a verygood excample,
on the wii perhaps,
i have fun playing that all the time, yet it score a 5.,5
another one- mario party 3-8 these are fun , rated 7-6s at the least,
Damn, you have 905 all together...I have about 630 counting my 500+ Classic Games Collection :Dill tell you theres alot of underrated titles here, and overrated ones to ,
just look over in my collection 905 titles
and theres only 2 or 3 that i felt were reviewed on the nail,
they are goldeneye007 perfect dark and super mario 64 half are close and half arent even right,
driver paralel lines is a verygood excample,
on the wii perhaps,
i have fun playing that all the time, yet it score a 5.,5
another one- mario party 3-8 these are fun , rated 7-6s at the least,
Actually there was a game in the N64 called: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (N64), Gamespot 4,9 to this game and many people said that was horrible but I love this one. Isn't that bad at all.
Sorry for double post but, I have this game and really liked it. However, it was frustrating when you get squished by those wall things that move. I can never pass the 1st stage :lol:
Croc for the ps1-Gamespot gave it a 5.4 and in terms of what I think most people would think of it thats pretty accurate, but Ive always had a soft spot for it in a sort of "oh no I just ran of a cliff cause I couldnt see where I was going kinda way."Plus the boxing duck level(first boss) is easy but awesome.lizard1192I loved that game when I rented it. Dear Arceus, if only I could find myself a good copy...
I really enjoy two games that don't have good ratings because they have a good sense of humour and are a lot of fun.
The Bards Tale on PS2 - it is really easy to beat, very short (10hours) and has pretty simple game play but the star it Cary Elwes of Robin Hood Men in Tight and it is totally full of jokes and snarky one liners.
The other is The Operative: No One lives Forever on the computer. Another one that is not very hard but great 60 music. And an interesting twist on a female James Bond/spy kind of plot that travels all over the world and evenhas a figh in a flying plane.
both are fun despite being mediocre at best - and I did get them from the bargain bin.
Legacy of Kain: Defiance(PS2). This game can get dull at times but Kain is just so much of a BAMF that I loved the game.
Toy Commander(DC): WOW did I LOVE this game, it got a 6.7 on GS I believe. This game was great. You were able to control little toy vehicles such as jets, planes, and tanks. In the single player you had little objectives such as firing pencil missles at submarines. Toy Commander had awesome and odd boss battles(One being a giant evil teddy bear :twisted:.) The best part in the end was the multiplayer though. The game allowed two to four people to play multiplayer and boy was it fun. I loved battling against my friends, it was fun to shoot down my friends plane with my tank or engaging in a crazy dogfight with my friend in our jets. If you have not played this game, you missed a gem.
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