Well duh! They released the game a year too early
The bug plagued launch of Battlefield 4 put a dent in player trust of DICE, something that will require more than words to overcome, DICE LA producer David Sirland says.
I can absolutely say that we lost trust in the game’s launch and the early parts of the year.
Sirland said that since the launch, a lot of words have been said about how Hardline will be different. However, the best way to gain back player trust is to deliver, he said.
I don’t want to say anything because I want to do. I want them to look at what we’re doing and what we are going to do and that would be my answer. I think we have to do things to get them to trust us, not say things to get them to trust us. Show by doing.
I think we have to earn [trust] back. That’s why I’m here. That’s my end goal. I want to earn our trust back and I want to make them happy and like Battlefield again.
Battlefield Hardline was originally set for release this month, but was delayed until February 2015.
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