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My problems with BFBC1: having to hold down LS to sprint is beyong pathetic, the respawn system instead of checkpoints breaks immersion and weapons are all the same. Other than that it's a damn good shooter: when I first blew a hole a in a roof with my grenade launcher I was BLOWN AWAY. The humor is great too, which was sadly missing in BFBC2.Black_Knight_00Exactly! the humor is absent from BC2, and I did not like that. Also not present in BC2 was the open maps and drivable vehicles. The campaign was much more linear in BC2. In fact, the only reason why I gave BC2 a 9 was for its MP. Also, I do agree on the "holding down LS to run" complaint, although to me, its only a minor issue. I also agree and yet dont agree on the spawn compaint. To me, given how the combat works, it would have broken immersion for me if there were standard checkpoints. Although, there is a "Revert to last saved checkpoint" option in the pause menu............ just so you know :P
I really don't like the game, SP wise (I don't play MP games that much). The shooting to me feels extremely heavy and unreliable unless I'm extremely close. The damage at times also seems to be random. It's either those, or I really suck at the game. :D
[QUOTE="Black_Knight_00"]My problems with BFBC1: having to hold down LS to sprint is beyong pathetic, the respawn system instead of checkpoints breaks immersion and weapons are all the same. Other than that it's a damn good shooter: when I first blew a hole a in a roof with my grenade launcher I was BLOWN AWAY. The humor is great too, which was sadly missing in BFBC2.Kevlar101Exactly! the humor is absent from BC2, and I did not like that. Also not present in BC2 was the open maps and drivable vehicles. The campaign was much more linear in BC2. In fact, the only reason why I gave BC2 a 9 was for its MP. Also, I do agree on the "holding down LS to run" complaint, although to me, its only a minor issue. I also agree and yet dont agree on the spawn compaint. To me, given how the combat works, it would have broken immersion for me if there were standard checkpoints. Although, there is a "Revert to last saved checkpoint" option in the pause menu............ just so you know :P I know about the checkpoint option, but the fact that when you die you respawn 100 meters away and all the enemies you killed stay dead... well, it makes the game incredibly easy: just keep respawning until they're all dead, even on hard. I think a standard checkpoint system would have done the game greater justice.
[QUOTE="Kevlar101"][QUOTE="Black_Knight_00"]My problems with BFBC1: having to hold down LS to sprint is beyong pathetic, the respawn system instead of checkpoints breaks immersion and weapons are all the same. Other than that it's a damn good shooter: when I first blew a hole a in a roof with my grenade launcher I was BLOWN AWAY. The humor is great too, which was sadly missing in BFBC2.Black_Knight_00Exactly! the humor is absent from BC2, and I did not like that. Also not present in BC2 was the open maps and drivable vehicles. The campaign was much more linear in BC2. In fact, the only reason why I gave BC2 a 9 was for its MP. Also, I do agree on the "holding down LS to run" complaint, although to me, its only a minor issue. I also agree and yet dont agree on the spawn compaint. To me, given how the combat works, it would have broken immersion for me if there were standard checkpoints. Although, there is a "Revert to last saved checkpoint" option in the pause menu............ just so you know :P I know about the checkpoint option, but the fact that when you die you respawn 100 meters away and all the enemies you killed stay dead... well, it makes the game incredibly easy: just keep respawning until they're all dead, even on hard. I think a standard checkpoint system would have done the game greater justice. True, but for me, playing on hard is a big challenge because it takes a lot of effort just to advance a few meters, especially if you are up against a bunker with a 50 Caliber Machine gun and Grenade Launchers in it. To me, just getting past 1 bunker like that took a lot of effort. In fact, I remember one time that it actually took me 20 minutes to find a way to flank it (it was hard because there were watch towers with 50 Cals in them on the bunkers right and left flank). Stuff like that is what I find so enjoyable about the game.
True, but for me, playing on hard is a big challenge because it takes a lot of effort just to advance a few meters, especially if you are up against a bunker with a 50 Caliber Machine gun and Grenade Launchers in it. To me, just getting past 1 bunker like that took a lot of effort. In fact, I remember one time that it actually took me 20 minutes to find a way to flank it (it was hard because there were watch towers with 50 Cals in them on the bunkers right and left flank). Stuff like that is what I find so enjoyable about the game.Kevlar101The only part I found difficult was the tank escort mission about one hour in the game, maybe the helicopter fight at the end. Anyways, I really hope they opt for a Bad Company 3, but only if they go back to the playful, funny style of the first. It would be a shame to toss those 4 characters out of the window. Plus, the bad guy at the end of BFBC1 survives, so they could bring back the whole "Acta Non Verba" thing, which is much more interesting than the Russia VS USA stew.
[QUOTE="Kevlar101"]True, but for me, playing on hard is a big challenge because it takes a lot of effort just to advance a few meters, especially if you are up against a bunker with a 50 Caliber Machine gun and Grenade Launchers in it. To me, just getting past 1 bunker like that took a lot of effort. In fact, I remember one time that it actually took me 20 minutes to find a way to flank it (it was hard because there were watch towers with 50 Cals in them on the bunkers right and left flank). Stuff like that is what I find so enjoyable about the game.Black_Knight_00The only part I found difficult was the tank escort mission about one hour in the game, maybe the helicopter fight at the end. Anyways, I really hope they opt for a Bad Company 3, but only if they go back to the playful, funny style of the first. It would be a shame to toss those 4 characters out of the window. Plus, the bad guy at the end of BFBC1 survives, so they could bring back the whole "Acta Non Verba" thing, which is much more interesting than the Russia VS USA stew. I agree, they should make a BC 3 and make it like the first. I mean, the whole "Russia is invading through Alaska!!!" crap at the end of BC2 was just stupid.
I enjoyed Bad Company's single player but it was boring at times. Still, it could have been expanded to be something truly special. Why not include 4 player co op? The large maps would allow for some fun tactics not seen in those types of games. Have someone in a chopper, a sniper, a couple people in a jeep, etc. Unfortunately they squandered it with BC2. And let's not even talk about Battlefield 3's single player.
Dice should really give BC3 a chance and seriously examine what they can do with the franchise. I think it's probably the most unrealized IP out there this gen.
Considering the welcome the BF3 and MoH:W campaigns received, I'm not sure Battlefield 4 will even have a single player component.I enjoyed Bad Company's single player but it was boring at times. Still, it could have been expanded to be something truly special. Why not include 4 player co op? The large maps would allow for some fun tactics not seen in those types of games. Have someone in a chopper, a sniper, a couple people in a jeep, etc. Unfortunately they squandered it with BC2. And let's not even talk about Battlefield 3's single player.
Dice should really give BC3 a chance and seriously examine what they can do with the franchise. I think it's probably the most unrealized IP out there this gen.
[QUOTE="IndianaPwns39"]Considering the welcome the BF3 and MoH:W campaigns received, I'm not sure Battlefield 4 will even have a single player component.I enjoyed Bad Company's single player but it was boring at times. Still, it could have been expanded to be something truly special. Why not include 4 player co op? The large maps would allow for some fun tactics not seen in those types of games. Have someone in a chopper, a sniper, a couple people in a jeep, etc. Unfortunately they squandered it with BC2. And let's not even talk about Battlefield 3's single player.
Dice should really give BC3 a chance and seriously examine what they can do with the franchise. I think it's probably the most unrealized IP out there this gen.
And nothing of value will be lost if that happens.
In terms of campaign, the first 'Bad Company' game is (in my opinion) one of the best shooters ever made. It had all the makings of a great military shooter: Great shooting mechanics, great sound effects (which made the game really SOUND like a warzone), destructable enviroments (which, along with the great weapon sound effects, made the place really LOOK like a warzone), all vehicles are drivable (which also adds to the warzone feel), the maps in campaign were very open and large, the missions are long (it takes me an hour and a half to beat each mission on hard difficulty; sometimes 2 hours), and it has good characters (that last one is debatable I suppose :P ). I mean, its campaign has all the makings of a great shooter. 'Bad Company 2' was not as cool because the open maps were now very closed in (with the exception of Sange Del Torro), and vehicles were no longer able to be driven at will. KEEP IN MIND, I am referring the the CAMPAIGNS of the games, not MULTIPLAYER. So, who agrees and who disagrees? And why? What are your opinions?Kevlar101
I agree. It's too bad they couldn't carry over the length and quality of that game into the subsequent iterations. I didn't even bother to buy the last one. From the user reviews I read, it looks like the Bad Company series has taken the word "bad" a bit too literally.
[QUOTE="IndianaPwns39"]Considering the welcome the BF3 and MoH:W campaigns received, I'm not sure Battlefield 4 will even have a single player component. I hope not. Bf3's campaign was horrible. They should keep the campaign to BFBC, imo, and instead give us more maps and possibly bot combat training instead.I enjoyed Bad Company's single player but it was boring at times. Still, it could have been expanded to be something truly special. Why not include 4 player co op? The large maps would allow for some fun tactics not seen in those types of games. Have someone in a chopper, a sniper, a couple people in a jeep, etc. Unfortunately they squandered it with BC2. And let's not even talk about Battlefield 3's single player.
Dice should really give BC3 a chance and seriously examine what they can do with the franchise. I think it's probably the most unrealized IP out there this gen.
its a good game but it seems to be aimed at a more hardcore crowd since the games are long and the maps are so huge. i prefer COD though its more pick up and play. when i was playing battlefield i spent the majority of the time just running. it takes forever to find someone to kill.
i found the bad company series to be boring if we are talking about campaigns....
i like the humor, i like the destructions
i hate the shooting in this game....its just utterly clunky.
couldn't comment on the multiplayer since i picked it up in the bargain bin
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