Well for mulitplayer anyway. lets look at the content you get for your $90 Beautiful single player , very long. but it can get really quiet where all you can hear is the engine rotor and the sea. mulitplayer, = bad balance. no support. no players. I played online for about 1 month and on most days there was no servers running. ( kind of like ps3 net play) Its so buggy to the point that when you do find a server rich with players ready to battle it out for supremacy. 30% you lag out of the limbo menu and you are dropped back to your desktop with that fail warning that you need to alt+tab to close. Lag, i was playing with 7 other aussies and we were lagging, nuff said. seriously you know when you experience lag for an extended amount of time , you feel like your in slow mode, carefully clicking buttons and praying that you dont freeze well that's BS:P for you enjoy. i playeed this game for one strait month, and they released a map pack and a patch that makes things worse... So if your looking for a great multiplayer strategy/action game. Then go play hop scotch outside , that's if you can find a server with good weather.
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