I'd say King's Bounty series and Dragon Age. Very deep and highly tactical.
King's Bounty is great, but would you really pick Dragon Age over something like Icewind Dale 2? Dragon Age's combat didn't seem to have half of the depth or variety that the Infinity Engine games had.
Anyway, I think the best (and most complete) system is Silent Storm's.
Imagine Fallout Tactics' or XCom's turn-based combat, but with...
- a huge number of World War 2 weaponry (and more)
- destructible environments (and thus fully-traversable - blow a hole in the floor and jump in, etc.), determined by the materials they're made of and the weapons you're using (some guns may shoot through walls without creating a big hole)
- a complex aiming system (factoring in light, cover, distance, stance, height, etc) that allows you to sacrifice more action points for more accuracy
- bullet richochets
- noise (unseen enemies and allies may still be heard through walls - and shot through them, too)
- turn interrupts
- a variety of status ailments (deafness, bleeding, broken limbs, blindness, concussions, etc
- the ability to run, stand, crouch, crawl, sneak and climb
- ragdoll physics
...and probably a lot else that I'm forgetting. I'd be surprised (and impressed) if there's another game out there with a better system, although Frozen Synapse looks awesome too.
I never played Icewind Dale II (I'm guilty of missing a lot of Black Isle RPG's). I really enjoyed Dragon Age's system, it's pretty deep yet accessible. It doesn't needlessly drown you in convoluted mechanics but allows you to focus on the combat and tactics without too much fiddling about.
I also never played Silent Storm, but wasn't that a Jagged Alliance-inspired turn-based strategy game?
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