This is going to be a huge year for gaming across all platforms. My top 3 are in order...Deus Ex, RAGE and Skyrim. I am a little skittish about the true greatness of BF3 after watching Alpha gameplay footage. Not saying it wont be very good, just wondering if it will be epic? RAGE looks like Borderlands with a bigger, better story and true multiplayer. Skyrim looks amazing as well, but is it just Oblivion with a new skin? I just think Deus EX looks to be something fresh and different from what is currently out there. If the gameplay and story hold up, I think it is the clear winner. UC3 and Gears will be be awesome, but how will they truely differ from the first two in their respective franchises?
Uncharted 3
Gears of War 3
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Imo the only way one of these doesnt win GoTY is if Diablo 3 releases in 2011 which isnt likely.
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