I played FF since the series first came into Canada. Finally, XII is my favorite for story and ending. And everyone else?
I played FF since the series first came into Canada. Finally, XII is my favorite for story and ending. And everyone else?
I have played VI and up.
My favorite is FFX. Also my second favorite game of all time.
Love the classic turn based gameplay. You can see you and your enemies turns in order on the side of the screen. You can switch characters without losing a turn. Sphere grid gets cool later in the game when you can go on different paths.
Characters are cool as well. Yuna is one of my favorite protagonists.
My favorite is 8. A lot of people dislike it but I have lots of fond memories of it and I actually liked the protagonist a lot.
My second favorite is FFX. Great story, nice pacing, despite not having the best of protagonists.
I actually liked a lot FF13-2 and especially Lightning Returns. A lot of people haven't played them because 13 was mediocre but I feel Lightning Returns is one of the best in the series (although it does suffer the sin of overexposure).
I love pretty much all the main Final Fantasy games but my top five would probably be:
1. Final Fantasy X
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Final Fantasy VIII
4. Final Fantasy VI
5. Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy IX. It was one of the best looking games on the PlayStation, had an amazing cast and a really good story. Just a few days back, I learned something new about the game's ending. The English translation apparently didn't do the ending monologue well and I missed out on a very important story element. Made me tear up.
The only ones I played were XIII (incredible game that WAS my summer of 2001), X (Which I borrowed a PS2 from a friend to play, Awesome) and Tactics. I dont really like JRPG's since I played Oblivion, Fallout etc. It's not like they are crap to me, I just cant get into them anymore.
My favorite that I've played is undoubtedly VI. Game is top notch in every way, from the world and locations to the characters and story to the battle system, everything about it is just great. Gameplay wise, though, V might be my favorite due to the flexibility of the job system.
VII holds a special place for me, just because it was the first RPG I played on the PS1 and got me hooked on gaming.
But I would have to say that my favorites would be Tactics and IX. VI was really something amazing to behold as well, I wouldn't mind replaying it again(and again).
Everything up until XII is great, but Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and Final Fantasy XI are my favorites.
FFXII is an extreme prequel to FFT:WotL if you're not aware. Apparently some sort of cataclysmic event happens between the two and civilization has to reset. Vagrant Story also takes place in Ivalice too during FFT's time, but in another country.
Favourite of all time is FF4 (FF2 snes), i put FF6 kinda in there also since it felt almost exactly the same, except it was too linear for more of the game.
Also FF8, i really loved this games storyline also..., and FFx and x-2 were pretty good.
I do wish though they'd go back to the classic FF look and make the characters more cartoonish and big headed. Or at least give an option in the graphic settings to toggle that for old school people like myself. FF9 wasn't my favourite one but i liked how they went back to that classic look for that game. Its too bad that game didn't have voice acting, i always wondered what Vivi would sound like.
Realm Reborn was fun, it was the first time I've found myself invested in characters and what happens.
The combat and dungeons are too simple though.
Final fantasy x has by far the best story.
Final fantasy 12 Is the best FF game overall. Difficulty, graphics (for it's time), story(pretty good), amazing loot, advanced battle system and pretty much everything else
Only main games I guess? If so, I go with FF7, followed by X and 6.
With the insane amount of spin-offs it's almost impossible to sort them in any order. I loved FFT, the Dissidia titles, Crisis Core, Theatrythm and probably even more I forgot to list xD
Yay, another chance to rank the final fantasy games I've played
1- Final Fantasy VII - My favourite game of all time, the fact it was my first RPG I ever played and I played it young probably contributes to my opinion of this game
2 - Final Fantasy IX - Awesome, old school return to roots.
3 - Final Fantasy IV - The DS version in particular is well done
4 - Final Fantasy V - The job system is brilliant in this game
5 - Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core - Its more of the back story of VII, of course I love it
6 - Final Fantasy X - The last of the playable FF games in my opinion.
7 - Final Fantasy XII - Utter shite, weird battle system, pointless main character, forgettable music MMO like single player
8 - Final Fantasy XII - Hallways, and stupid characters and story, I've ignored FF from here on.
Haven't played VI, I assume it would rank high for me, but yet to play it.
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