I own GH 2 for PS2, GH 3 for Wii, and GH:WT for 360 (dumb that I have so many different guitars, I know, butI didn't have a 360 at the release of GH 3). I have been thinking of getting GH 5 for 360, but have held off, because the WT guitar is total crap,qualitywise. The buttons click and stick, and the whammysqueaks.Obviously, I want a new guitar controller, but fear that when I purchase the GH 5 bundle, the included guitar will suck like the WT one. So my multi-part question:
1. Is the GH 5 controller any good (and is it better for either 360 or PS3, as I own both)?
2.Are the Rock Band 2 guitars better in quality than the GH ones, and would these work with Guitar Hero games (and are the RB 2 instruments worth paying $170 as opposed to $100 for the RB 1 package)?
3. Is it true that Rock Band lacks the challenge of Guitar Hero in the guitar deparment (just thinking about the newer games; I realize that we may not see the amazing challenge of GHIII out of DLC in new Guitar Hero games)? Because I may just completelyswitch over to Rock Band after hearing so many good things, andbeing disappointed with GH WT.
4. Any preferrable console for RB (360 or PS3)?
Thanks for any advice.
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