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I voted UC2, and I believe that Golden Abyss shouldn't be in there for the simple fact that it sucks.
2 was easily my favorite, I liked the gameplay more for some reason and I thought the last couple chapters of U3 were a bit of a let down.
Uncharted 1 had pacing and gameplay issues with a great story
Uncharted 3 had story issues and pacing problems but great gameplay.
Uncharted 2 nailed both of them in spectacular fashion
I voted UC2, and I believe that Golden Abyss shouldn't be in there for the simple fact that it sucks.
Thought you were TC :P
I love all three.
2 is the most wellround and balanced but the story (premise mostly) is the weakest of the three. The pacing is perfect and one of the best action games ever.
3 has the best premise but the story is incomplete because of scheduling issues with the cast members which is unfortunate but not an excuse. The gameplay is solid but the enemies are too strong and poorly placed. Best graphics and set peices.
1 is the best told story (execution) but weakest gameplay. It doesn't hold up as well because of the other two overshadowing it but at the time it was great.
I know I'm going to be in the minority here but I always thought 1 (Drake's Fortune) was the best. For some reason the story I enjoyed more than the other two, and the gameplay - while lacking in terms of polish compared to 2 & 3 - is still very enjoyable. I actually went back and played it a few weeks ago, I'm amazed at how well it's held up since it's release.
I liked 2 more as a whole package. 1 was awesome but lacked the multi-player 2 had. There were a few too many characters in 3 and I didn't like the multi-player as much in it either..
Uncharted 2 if for no other reason than it having vastly superior co-op modes. Me and my friends went back and played some Survival after we played UC3 a lot and it was just a much more intense experience. I actually think it looks better visually as well.
Although I think 1, 2, and 3 are all fine games. I haven't played Golden Abyss.
Uncharted 1 is a BAD game with an average story
Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece this generation in gameplay and great story telling
Uncharted 3 is a mess. It's a good game, but the story was pretty lame with a lot of plot holes and there were some really questionable gameplay decisions (Broken stealth, fist fights over staying there welcome, difficulty that constantly jumbles back and forth.)
U2>U1>U3 The second was the best hands down. Overall i think it's a the second thats the most polished. Controls/gameplay was very smooth. Story and setting were pretty good. although i do believe the first game takes the cake in this category. The third one kinda let me down. Not saying it was a bad game but the controls felt sluggish to me and the fun factor wasnt there. It took me a while to finish this game mainly b/c it didnt hook me into it like the first two which i could put down after starting. I guess it's possible that the games formula was getting old. Probably explains why i havent bought golden abyss yet.
2 and 3 are just as good as each other, both deserve 10/10, but if I had to pick one it would be 2 just for the train level. I haven't played Golden Abyss.
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