Mine is when people play a game on the highest difficulty because normal mode isn't good enough and then complains that it's too hard.
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Too many, but I'll list my worst ones
- escort missions
- unskippable cutscenes
- arbitrary time limits
- token RPG elements in non-RPG games
- whiners in PvP (thank God for the mute button)
- fanboys in general
- split-screen co-op
Like @mastermetal777, I have too many,also our ones are very similar,sometimes people can just be idiots,just sometimes
-Unskippable Cutscenes(It gets annoying,but don't cry like its a game-breaking glitch)
-Time Limits(My God! what is the problem with a time limit,in fact it makes you want to achieve what you're doing faster,adding more to it when you succeed)
-People who say you're cheating in PVP(Seriously guys? I don't think I hack my games,unlike you)
-Fanboys for a certain game or console("XBOX FTW!" "Playstation is better!" Honestly I've never owned an Xbox but I still love playing on one,but once again instead of experiencing one just play all of them)
-Co-Op(OMG only idiots hate Split-Screen Co-Op,if you don't have friends then I'm sorry for you,I really am,"It makes the game easier" well sure it makes games easier sometimes but I'd rather have fun with a buddy than be an Uber-pro)
That's most of it,I think people complain about those things too much,it gets to an unbearable point sometimes.
I have a fair few, but alot of the ones I dislike it already on the list.
- No quick save
-invisible walls
-tutorials in general.
-Unskippable Cutscenes. (Cutscenes in general)
- QTE's No I mean it, there is a high likelyhood that I will put the game Down and never pick it up Again if it has a QTE
- Most Escort missions
- Time limits or time trails.
- political correctness of stories and characters.
- half arsed additions to a game. (lackluster afterthought MP, open World with nothing in it ect.)
-Weak gameplay covered by in your face story. I have nothing against a game being story driven, but to the point where there is hardly any game part in it, is where I bail.
Control being snatched away for a cinematic "mini-cutscene" to show an event which could easily occur during gameplay is bad. Some developers need to learn when to **** off and let the player get on with it.
Games that feel automated. Hard to describe. But it's like everything in the game is done for you with one or two button presses.
To give examples: Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, Thief Reboot etc.
Oh, add another to my list: people who skip tutorials and then complain about not being able to perform basic tasks in a game. Seriously, it's there for a reason, so use it.
scenes in games where they force you to play pointless portions of the story making these parts of the game completely pointless from a gameplay perspective as well as completely unskippable. I'm looking at you Uncharted 2.
I'm not into following a Tibetan man named Tenzen through an ice cave or have my partner tell me exactly what to do in a museum heist. I'm also not a fan of hobbling wounded through a snowy field or climbing through portions of a game that might as well have been on rails only to have the developers think it was a good idea to prolong these pointless sections by making everything break under Nathan's weight. There is a large amount of uselessness in this game.
In a way, I guess it's what @faizanhd said
Games that feel automated. Hard to describe. But it's like everything in the game is done for you with one or two button presses.
So basically most modern AAA games.
Mandatory tutorial levels at the beginning of any game. I seriously believe that some developers think that we are lacking in the gaming common sense area. If it is optional or skippable, then that doesn't bother me. But when I am stuck with the Barney into, that is another story.
Tutorials never bothered me... no matter how long and mandatory they are. And after playing Dead or Alive I appreciate them a whole lot more now.
That plus it helps to be empathetic about people eho might be playing the gane for the 1st time.
But lastly and most importantly... whats a Pet Peeve ?
But lastly and most importantly... whats a Pet Peeve ?
You know, you're not the first person who I've seen confused by this. I'm guessing this is a term that isn't used everywhere in English speaking world. To answer your question: A pet peeve is a niggling issue you have that isn't really a big deal, but really bugs you disproportionately to how bad it is.
Been getting really annoyed with flying enemies in general recently. Across all different genres of games, too.
Other than that the usual:
- Forced Walking
- Unskippable Cutscenes
- RPGs that drop items/gear for me that my character cant use
- Needing to buy ammo for weapons
- Over-Abundance of confirmation boxes
- Getting abilities taken away from me because of lolvideogamestory
- UIs that have things cluttered or all over the screen - keep it in one corner or one half of a screen
- Forced stealth with instant fail conditions
- NPCs that repeat the same lines over and over again
- Slow NPCs that get in your way and cant be pushed aside
- Obvious tutorials or hints that appear well into my playthrough of a game
- Unskippable tutorials
- Inability to change a difficulty level mid-playthrough
- Low pitch angles for mounted guns
- Long control effects on my character
- Offline modes with a pause that doesnt actually pause the game
- Games that bind everything to that one awesome buttonâ„¢. To pick up an item, get in cover, activate, grab, barrel roll or what say you.
- Sprint functions that doesnt allow you to sprint more than 3 or so seconds
- Invisible walls
- Opaque/Strong blood vignettes or splatter
- Petty/long animations for small things: picking up items, opening doors or death animations
Lack of subtitles. Sorry, but when half the fucking world's going nuts and a giant demon of hell is about to ram one of its horns up my ass, I'd really like subtitles on screen so I don't miss that important bit of story or direction. Just saying.
Motion Blur. It's been 13 years since the PS2, can we please stop with motion blur? It's a huge distraction and a waste of system resources that fucking SUCKS. "Hey, let's make tracking an enemy while moving impossible by making the screen blur like the character's on LSD!" Great idea, said no one ever.
Tacked-on multiplayer. Seriously, unless you can make a multiplayer game that beats Call of Duty, Halo, Gears, Killzone, and all the other usual suspects, don't waste my time or your own. Nobody gave a **** about the multiplayer in the Tomb Raider reboot.
Unskippable cutscenes AND cutscenes that are too easy to skip accidentally. On one side, a game that loves its cutscenes SO FUCKING MUCH that it's going to make you sit through them every time you die, and on the other a game that is so damned sensitive that you basically have to put the controller on the floor to keep from accidentally pressing a button and skipping a scene. Seriously, let us skip cutscenes, and make it so we have to actually put some effort into skipping them.
No control customization. Seriously, it's almost 2015 and we can't just bind individual buttons as we please on several major releases. What the hell? Is the world going to end if I can put melee anywhere but R3 or R1?
Exaggerated complaining by forumites. Just because most of your games are from Capcom, Ubisoft, EA and Sega doesn't mean that the industry as a whole is shipping mostly incomplete games. Seriously, go play some games outside the wheelhouse, at the very least the single player and/or co-op modes tend to be ready to go from the jump, no patch needed. Also, Call of Duty is NOT a shit franchise (though Ghosts can die in a fire), the Xbox One is NOT the worst console ever made, and games aren't any worse than they were during the "good old days." Seriously, expand your worldview, at least just a little.
For me, its the general lack of respect between gamers and console fanboyism. Ive run into so many rude, know it all gamers; especially in PVP chat.
Its also the constant need by some gamers to argue why their console is the best. Ive met soooo many Xbox fanboys who feel the need to try to debate with my how the Xbox is the best (and use reasons that are more personal preference than real facts). My brother in law got a Wii U for Xmas and he felt the need to try to debate with my why Nintendo is the best at the Xmas dinner table. Dont get me wrong, it was fun to crush him with all of the shortcomings of the Wii U and Nintendo in general but it wasnt really neccesary, especially during the holidays.
gamers bashing other gamers; either from their game of choice or the system they choice to play it on. It is a hobby and we should support each other even if our opinions differ. The the trash talk over an online game would be my 2nd choice
This doesn't really show up too much in modern games, as it's usually able to be turned off, but I used to, and still do if it even exists anymore, hate forced camera inversion on any game.
everyone listed all the ones that bug me. developers should be taking notes.
any game with a bad checkpoint/save system is really annoying to me
- Saved games that happen before the cut scene, forcing you to rewatch the cut scene every time you die. There's absolutely no excuse for this in this generation
- A childish story with no depth, like for example, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 'Hur Dur, the Russians are invading! 'Merica!1!!'
- Escort missions - FFS Why do people still use this universally maligned gameplay element? Nobody wants escort missions. No one!
- Quick Time Events in a game that isn't a quick time event focused game - Please stop throwing random quick time events in gameplay - I'll just die and then get it right the next time or get frustrated.
- Arbitrary time limits thrown in for no reason. Seriously, why?
- Tacked on single player or multiplayer, and even worse you have to play it to get unlocks. Ugh...
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