Blog 5 : Assassins Creed Reviews

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Edited By OhJessca
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It's been a while since I posted a blog and seen as Assassins Creed Syndicate is coming out in 63 days i have decided to share my views on all the Assassins Creed on the 360 and the One.

I have been a huge fan of Assassins Creed since the start with Altair In La-ahad, the whole idea of playing a game based in 1191 AD intrigued me so much. I was a different type of game that I normally play which was Call of Duty. Everything about Altair was awesome his outfit, the fact he did parkour and expecially the drive he did when synchronising the map. The whole story of the Assassins and Templars was so interesting, seeing how the people lived and the clothes they really made you feel connected to the game. The Assassins weapon which defined the Assassins from other people was the hidden blade, it was a mechanism on the wrist which allowed you to preform stealthy and silent kills. The hidden blade work as a blade which springs out with a flick of the wrist, it is used to assassinate someone without being detected.

Altair was the start of an awesome collections of games which you experience the feel of traveling through time to the different centuries.

The story of Desmond Miles and the Animus was just the start of finding out about his Ancestors.

Assassins Creed II is the story of Ezio Auditors De Firenze now where to start with him, he was one of my favourite Assassins to play, and for a character in a game he was pretty good looking. His story was based in Florence in the year 1476, Ezio at first was a Baker turned Assassin. In this game we met a very well known Artist called Leonardo Da Vinci, who created some awesome gadgets for Ezio. Now his outfit that was very impressive compared to Altair which was white and basic, Ezio's outfit was very nice indeed his Cape, the white and red outfit colour, the huge silver Creed logo around waist. What you can't forget is the double hidden blade which was made for Ezio by Leonardo, this allowed Ezio to preform double assassinations at once.

Ezio's story continued onto two more games: Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Assassins Creed Revelations. In Revelations Ezio is an older Assassin but he is still so badass.

Assassins Creed 3 is based on the story of Ratonhnhaké:ton (no idea how to say that), later named Connor ( oh thank god so much easier to say) after Achilles son who past away. Master Assassin Achilles Davenport teaches Connor the ways of an assassin which was so awesome as Connor was born in a tribe with the mohawk people. There was alot of negative responce towards this Assassins Creed but i thought it was so good, Connor had a bow and arrow which he used to hunt animals such a bears, wolfs, rabbits, bobcats and alot more woodland animals. He also had the most insanly awesome tomahawk! I also really enjoyed the story and the fact the cities where boston and new york, then you had the huge woodland area called the frontier. Connor had the coolest home with a secret door which leads to a basement, the village Connor lived in was called Davenport, at the start of the game it was empty and bear, when you helped people they moved and lived in the villege where a new building was renovated.

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag now that was an amazing game! The story was about a pirate assassin called Edward Kenway, he was also really attractive for a character in a game! The map was huge and i dont mean a big city, i mean a couple of cities, the ocean which had alot of villeges and forts. What was so unique about this assassins creed was the fact you had a ship which you sail and travel the ocean. Another awesome thing was you still can hunt animals but also go harpooning in the ocean for sea creatures such as the great white shark, hammer head shark, whales and other sea creatures. You can pick fights with enemy ships and upgrade you ship to make it more resistant to being shot at by cannons.

The next Assassins Creed called Rogue, this was about an Assassin turned Templar called Shay Cormac, who turn templar because he didnt agree with what the Assassins where doing! At first i didnt like Rogue it remind me too much of Black Flag but as i played more and more of the game i started to like it, you had to huge oceans one of which was very cold with snow, ice burgs (they were a pain in the ass), and alots of different animals which would live it that habbit such as polar bears, narwals, whales. The story was very interesting the assassins at the start of the game destroy a whole city with a powerful object, the rest of the game follows Shays path of stopping the Assassins he once fought with side by side to using any means necessary to stop them destroying another city.

The first xbox one Assassins Creed is Unity and I loved it so much the story of Arno Dorian with his childhood friend Elise who actually appeared I'm the end sequence of Rogue when they where children. Arno was another attractive character who was just awesome this Assassins Creed was based in the city of Paris. One thing I found really awesome and different was the parts of the games where the Animus and Arrow story had a slight moment where at one point your in Paris where there's the Eifel Tower and a world war with tanks and planes. You can also complete missions which are called helix where your put into a different century and you have to collect these pieces of data, rescue the Assassin who is trapped all while your against a time limit and in one of the helix's tornados!! Of course the worst thing ever happened at the end, not going to spoil it but yep I cried..

The next Assassins Creed coming out on the Xbox One and PS4 is called Syndicate with the characters who are twins called Jacob and Evie Frye. The game is due to release in October 2015 so not long left to wait it's about 60 days or so and I am super super excited!!

Thank you for reading my review of the Assassins Creed.


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#1 DaVillain  Moderator
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Honestly, I only played Assassin's Creed AC2, AC3, and AC Black Flag but didn't bother with Brotherhood and Revelations. To be honest, I'm Assassin's creed-out. I didn't even bother to looking into Unity when everyone started reporting all the bugs in it and shows that Ubisoft got careless with it. For now, I'll wait until GOTY is announce and we'll see if it's worth buying Unity. If the reviews for Syndicate turns out good, I'll look into it but for now, I'm on a Hiatus for AC. I really enjoy Black Flag btw.

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#2 OhJessca
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@davillain-: Yeah that's understandable not playing Brotherhood and Revelations, Im a huge Assassins Creed fan, I didn't notice any bugs in Unity, probably cause I wasn't looking but I really found Unity good, they probably could have put more into it like making the maps bigger and stuff, hopefully they'll do that in Syndicate

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#3  Edited By suicidesn0wman
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I didn't start playing Unity until last week, so I assume a lot of the bugs people reported have been fixed already, I really only have noticed a few cosmetic glitches. As for the free running, it actually seems more fluid than previous AC games. I noticed they slow down how fast you move when you get into areas that are harder to navigate(a lot of people or cramped/inside a building), but areas outside have a lot of wide streets and space to move around. Running on the top of the various buildings seems more fluid as well, I don't find myself having to pull myself up every other building like I did in the past 4 or 5 AC games.

I think the story is what sets Unity apart from the other AC games though, its more personal, the characters are more emotionally invested. It's not just a revenge story, and that's what I like the most.

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#4  Edited By OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: That's the same with me, I never pay attention normally to other people's opinions cause that's what they are there opinions, I heard negative things about Unity but I still went out and bought it, and I loved it! Like you said how the characters are emotionally involved, and how fluid it is.

People said negative things about Assassins Creed 3 as well but I actually really enjoyed it.

That's why I never listen to other people's opinions, I play the game and have my own views on it, sometimes there right and a games is shockingly bad or there wrong and I enjoy it so much I would reply the story over and over.

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#5 suicidesn0wman
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I can see a lot of peoples points on the other AC games because I understand I can be a bit of a fanboy when it comes to AC games, While many people didn't play Brotherhood & Revelations, Revelations was the first AC game I didn't 1k, and AC3 I had maybe 90% completion. I still have to get AC Rogue, hoping it's one of the first titles in the BC program.

Even knowing ACU had issues, I still bought the Collectors Edition. I'll probably do the same for Syndicate.

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#6 OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: I can understand to a point why people won't play Brotherhood and Revelations, but I loved Ezio and his story. Off the top of my head as it's been a long time since I played Revelations, the main thing I didn't really like was how old Ezio got.

I haven't bought any of the collectors editions, but I have bought the model of Ezio from Revelations, and tomorrow I'm hoping to order a model of Arno from Unity and pre-order The Charing Cross Edition of Syndicate with the model of Jacob Frye.

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#7 phoenix5352
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ac 1, 2 ,brotherhood and revelations were the only games which defined the series . black flag was pretty good with the gameplay but lacked a story like the other remaining games. ac 3 had a worst story, ac 4 was a total crap both in game play and story. ubisoft shoud either stop the series or should take it back in time , historical time period near to ac 1 or ac2 or may be earlier than both.

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#8 OhJessca
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@phoenix5352: The change I'm time gives you a better idea of history, if they kept it around the same time people could start to get bored and not interested.

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#9 DaVillain  Moderator
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@phoenix5352: I don't know about you but all I want from Ubisoft is to make Watch Dogs 2. I really enjoy the first one and it felt like AC in the present day.

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#10 OhJessca
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@davillain-: Yeah, I haven't completed Watch Dogs yet, but what I've played so far it's actually a decent game! If they make another I better it will be sick!

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#11 InfiniteTKZ
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I played all the Assassin's Creed and beat them.... Except maybe one or two handhelds not including AC 2 Discovery. I agree, I loved AC3 and still don't see the huge problems with the game.... Besides the glitches. AC 4 was the best of the series to me and Unity is possibly the worst. Don't get me wrong, I liked Unity. However, the modern day story line.... It wasn't just confusing, but nothing was actually done. +SLIGHT SPOILER POSSIBLY+ I mean play through it and listen to the end credits, it basically says what you did was pointless. They was going on a wild goose hunt and all that was done was that they scratched one sage off the list. +END OF SPOILER+ They completely screwed up the modern day story line, and ignoring some of the blaring glitches.... IT was good. Overall, I agree with you.

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#12  Edited By OhJessca
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@infinitetkz: i havnt played any of the hand held, ill probably eventually get around to it over time. Yeah, loved and still love AC3 i really dont see whats wrong with it.. He has a bow and arrow which is awesome!! I have to admit i got abit confussed with the story on Unity, couldnt work out how some of the characters fit into the story. I finished Unity before i finished Rogue, so the ending of Rogue confussed me abit cause i couldnt remember the begining of Unity... (if that makes sense)

I really hope unisoft dont screw up Syndicate, i actually dont even no what time its set in...

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#13 suicidesn0wman
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@ohjessca: I finally finished Unity this weekend, I'm going to have to write a review on it for my site while its still fresh in my skull. I still feel the same way about the game, might be the best AC I've played yet. Luckily won't have to wait too long for Syndicate, which I believe is set in early 1900's England. As for the handheld AC games, I own them all but never really got into them, the one on Vita had very loose controls imo and I felt it was borderline unplayable.

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#14 OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: Did you cry at the end of Unity, i cried at they end! Yep, not long now i think its something like 60days :D early 1900s ooo that could be interesting. I dont no why but i really want an assassins creed with like cowboys and indians.. Old western :')

Let me no when you have done a review id like to read it :)

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#15 suicidesn0wman
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Oh the pressure is on now...

No I did not cry, I wanted to, but the whole 'be a man' mentality put a chokehold on my tear ducts. I wonder if they could do an old western AC game, it would be really tough to compete with Red Dead. There are plenty of historical landmarks they could have in the game, but the decent sized cities from that era are all pretty far away from each other. If they had a larger area to explore, maybe have 3 or 4 major cities from Chicago to San Fran, and include Vegas, the Grand Canyon, The Black Hills, The Badlands, Sedona, Yellowstone and some of the other major natural wonders out west in the area between the cities like they did in AC1. The scale would have to be huge though, at least 5 or 6 times larger than Unity is.

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#16 OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: Its okay to cry, being a man doesnt apply to video games, only everything else :D

I havnt played Red Dead Redemption, ill have to buy it when i get paid.

That would be so awesome, having a huge multi area map, i loved how AC 1 had the different areas with the high walls like a castle type thing, then you can ride your horse and stuff!

How modern do you think they could go?

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#17 suicidesn0wman
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Seems like it'd fit right in the 1800's, early 1900's(1900-1915) seemed to have very little going on historically, so not much the writers could use. 1820-1850ish would be a good timeframe for the 'exploration' period of the old west, while 1860-1899 would be more reasonable for the wild west period. I'm not sure there would be any high walls though, but they could have a lot of small towns that back then would have been a single strip which have grown in size today.

You should definitely give Red Dead a try, it's probably the best western themed game released so far, try and find a complete edition with the Zombie DLC included.

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#18 OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: That would be decent, im gonna have a good old internet search and look what has happened through the world history (I kind of failed when studying history)

Exploration period would be rather intereating, they could actually go in so meny different directions, cause there is different historical thing from all over the world at different times.

I'll definately try it, i like westens!!

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#19 Bardock47
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Assassins Creed 1 is a game I loved (warts and all) and even went through and collected all the flags. It was very new to me, and the world and story took me in. Even though the mission structure was repetitive I still found the beat to beat game play to be fun. The biggest missed opportunity here was Altair really not standing on his own very well. He was a nearly silent protagonist and the characters around him were generally much more interesting.

Assassins Creed 2 is a game that took me forever to beat; and that's more because there is so much going on in it. Not to mention it is what every video game sequel should be. It took the premise and refined, improved, and expanded on it. Ezio Auditore De Frienze was a great lead, and had many memorable side characters and moments (Its a me! Mario!) that kept it interesting. It was such a beautiful game from graphics, to sound, to art. The story was broad and grand, and yet still relatable and personable. Everything about this game is amazing, and is easily one of the must plays of the series.

I skipped Brotherhood and Revelations. I doubt I will go back to them. I attempted to play Revelations at one point and found the old controls off putting and made me realize how much the series improved with...

Assassin's Creed 3. This one I feel gets a lot of undue hate. It certainly isn't perfect, the Desmond sections are meh, and the ending even more disappointing. The slow start is a bit of a drag; but I do find it very interesting still and works nicely. I do wish we got to Connor faster still. Connor is another lead I found to be great. I loved his brashness and personality. The side characters were all very interesting again (except you Paul Revere) and many had their own agendas and painted the American Revolution in an interesting light. Was Connor really doing the right thing? Did he ally himself with the proper cause? Were the Americans in the right? The game asks a lot of questions not only about rebels vs the british; but the Assassins and Templars as well. They also refined the controls a hell of a lot, and introduced 'tree running' among other mechanics. My favorite additions in the weaponry is the tomahawk and bow and arrow (very sad to see them gone in Black Flag, but it would make no sense to have a pirate using those.) Of course it introduced sea battles, a fun twist which was fully realized later. This is my personal favorite of the series.

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag: i can't give a full opinion on. I am still playing through it. I do enjoy Edward as the lead, and all the side characters are great so far. The sailing is even better and i'll often just pillage my way across the sea. Gameplay is a solid evolution of AC3 and the present day sections are interesting. It looks great and plays even better.

Thats all of the series i have played.

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#20 InfiniteTKZ
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@ohjessca: lol. That makes a lot of sense. I don't think they will screw it up unless they go heavy into micro transactions. Here's to hoping.

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#21  Edited By suicidesn0wman
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@ohjessca: Meant to get to this yesterday but ran out of time. I have the initial review posted, but I have to add some bits about the co-op missions and a touch on sound & graphics.

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#22 OhJessca
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@suicidesn0wman: That was quite a review, and i agree with every word

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#23 wiouds
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I played all the non-handheld up to Rouge. I like them all and found each one builds off the one before it. Look at this.

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#24 OhJessca
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@wiouds: Yeah, im eventually going to play the headheld ones.

Thats quite a conspiracy, its understandable between Assassins Creed and Watch Dogs, but involving Splinter Cell and Farcry in it makes it abit confusing.

The connection with Watch Dog is pretty Awesome, a futuristic Assassins Creed.