Well, I did it. I bought an N64 and an SNES with some games. It cost me a lot of money so don't ask how much.
N64+ games: Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, Perfect dark, LOZ: Ocarina of time, Turok 2, Turok Rage Wars, Paper Mario, DK64, and I think thats it( plus a controller and 2 controller memory cards)
SNES+game: Super Metroid, really, thats all I got.( plus a controller)
Now, I think all my research paid off because I believe most of these games are awesome.( Paper Mario being one of my favourite RPGs) But someone tell me if it really was worth it because I only have about a day to return all this. :( And the SNES will turn off If you bump it, so I will have to fix it or return it. But I still had tons of fun playing Super Metroid, I have been searching for the origonal for quite some time. Now I just have to play some N64. But unfortunately I am leaving on a vacation today so I can't play any of this awesomeness for a week! :P
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