This will be a quick "first-glance"-review of this game which I downloaded yesterday and startet playing.This review is based on about 4h of gameplay. Hopefully, I will edit this review when done.
This is a game I've been waiting for for a long time, actually: one of those small, un-hyped games that appear every now and then. I am a big fan of RPG, but Skyrim rubbed me in all the wrong places. The Souls-games are good games. They do not do everything right, but they are always good, quality games. This game, however... I am starting to wonder if I overpaid for this game...
The story revolves around Ice Lords that are threatening the world. Some scholars and conjurers try to combine their powers to gain means to fight the dreaded Ice Lords. Vulcan, an androgynous character, gains demonic powers that proves to be the opposite of Does this make us the Fire Lord? Mayhap...Anyway:
The character creation is sub-par: you choose between 5 faces and 6 hair styles for each gender. You can't choose the color of your hair, or add beards for the men. The hair options are horrendous. From this point onwards, I was already a little disappointed.
The graphics are very poor... and sometimes ok. The surroundings range from looking poor to looking ok, I would say. The foilage I first encountered had me appalled! Is this really a PS4-game? God's Blood...
The characters look okay, I guess, but the facial animations are pretty bad. The voice-acting is horrible! The female Vulcan souns like .... well, it's really poor. Some of the dialogue is also odd. I write dialogues for screenplays and have a MA degree in English Lit. so... I know a thing or two.
The fighting is aweful! Slashes and blows have no! impact on enemies and even when they take a super-charged "strong" attack to the face, they still keep attacking... uniterrupted. It all feels so... boring and stressful. You can lock-on to enemies, but all it does is "mark" that enemy. It would've been better if this option focused your movement around the focused target, like in most other games (Kingdoms of Amalur, Dragon's Dogma(?), Final Fantasy XIV: ARR). The fighting feels really frantic and forgettable at this point. I really want to like this game, which after 4 hours looks alot like "Dragon Age" (the first one), but ... the fighting have me really pondering if I should've bought "Sportsfriends" instead...
You can choose between two classes, three if your coun't "Strange" (pyromancy): which is ranger and warrior. Warrior wields a two-handed weapon: sword, hammer or axe. The ranger uses dual knives.They both have a set of move options: the warrior can do a guard brake if circle is pressed, while the ranger does a back-dodge. I really wish they'd added the option to play as a footosoldier wielding a shield and a sword, or a complete long-range character using bows.
Sorry for this quick semi-review. If you have any questions concerning the game, and wheter or not to get it, feel free to ask in the comments below. I will keep playing this game.
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