GameSpot's next image guessing game gives you the opportunity to reflex your Star Wars box art knowledge! Go on a hunt for pieces to an image clip of Star box art to solve the piece of the puzzle!
Here is how to participate.
1) SPOILER TAG YOUR ANSWERS to avoid having others see your answers right away. Some forum posters naturally scroll without realizing they might see the answer too early. Type spoiler, add the list of games and close the spoiler as you will see demonstrated in the code below.
[spoiler] name all ten games here [/spoiler]
2 ) GUESSING IS OKAY, but don't leave any of them empty. You may have a place holder (such as investigating/still looking/finding, etc), but be sure that all 10 games are mentioned before the deadline. Otherwise, you won't be considered as an entrant for this activity. Note: The names of the games do NOT have to be right. That's why it's called a guessing game! You may edit your posts to change your answers before the deadline.
3) What do you get in return? You will receive the box hunt emblem if you don't already have it and you are also eligible to receive a reward for your efforts. We'll be doing a drawing based on your post in this forum. The first person who responds to this thread will have a raffle number of 2. The person who posts after that is raffle number 3, and so forth. After we find out how many people have played in this activity we'll enter that number in to find the winners. The prize at this time is a an older PC Star Wars game. We have 5 gift codes that will unlock the full version of this game, so there will be five winners!
4) There is no rush for time either. You don't have to post before others so take your time to investigate each image piece. We'll run this little activity for two whole weeks. This activity ends April 26th at 4pm PT.
Now that you have read the rules, click the spoiler tag to view the images. [spoiler]
Box 1 - - - - - - - - - - Box 2
Box 3 - - - - - - - - - - Box 4
Box 5 - - - - - - - - - - Box 6
Box 7 - - - - - - - - - - Box 8
Box 9 - - - - - - - - - - Box 10
Please use this thread for submissions only. You may ask questions and chit chat about it in this older boxhunt discussion thread.
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