I got 60+ DL and 6+ UL. I do think having a fast broadband helps with online gaming as well as streaming videos. I've had TWC with these speeds for approx. 2 years now with NO lag at all. Example:
I used to have ATT DSL before TWC.......it sucked big time. It could not handle what WE were throwing at it. This is my homes electronic components that run on my current speed........3 Xbox ones, 3 PS4's, 3 PS3's, 5 360's, 2 gaming desktops, 4 laptops, 4 Ipads, WiiU and several phones. Now obviously not all of them are running at the same time. BUT any given day my son will be on league of legends, my other boys will be on black ops 2 and plants vs zombies, while I will be on exo zombies, my daughter will be on black ops 2 also and my wife will be watching Netflix. All this running on the above speed with NO LAG at all.
So YES I am in love with my speeds. Supposedly TWC will be upgrading this package speed to 200+ DL within the next few months at no extra charge.......WOW!
So YES I think speed is everything when gaming or streaming.........
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