Before I give out my honest impressions, just want to say kudos to DJ_Lae and martialbullet for letting me know about the new reviews. Please keep them coming!
So I played the game last night and I have a feeling it's gonna be a nice ride. In a way, it's a mix of action, driving, and even real-time strategy. I wasn't sure how the real-time strategy comes into play, but I see how it works now. You gather a group of headbangers by playing a battle cry solo off your guitar, to raise their spirits and join your revolution, so to speak. Then you have to give them commands to either stand still, follow you, or fight. For example, in the Mines, where I'm at right now, you have to spread out your army and have them take out bad guys in certain spots of the area while still maintaining control of Eddie Riggs. I'm not exactly good at strategy, but it's easy enough to tell your army what to do, although you have to go near them. You can't tell them what to do when you are far away (although I think there's a certain move you earn, later on, that allows you to do that).
It's a huge world to explore in and it's definitely a heavy-metal world. I drove around the overworld map, straying off the beaten path, and I've found little tunnels that housed stage lights, amps, drum kits, etc. Even the enemies themselves represent goths, emos, etc. There's something here for every metal fan alike. Killing some of the enemies is pretty cool. Eddie's main weapon is an axe and a guitar. Axe is pretty self-explanatory - you just use it to cut up monsters and watch blood fly around as heads and body parts get chopped off. But with your guitar, you pull off solos to make things happen, like recruiting your army of headbangers or raising certain locales in order to gain something new, like the car that Eddie Riggs makes at the beginning. You can also use your guitar to shock your enemies, leaving them temporarily paralyzed for you to hit a quick combo with.
Oh and did I tell you about the soundtrack? Completely bada**! A lot of great metal tracks from bands like Def Leppard, Angel Witch, Bungie, etc. If you don't know what song is currently playing, just pause the game and it will tell you. It's very diverse and it plays randomly, so it's not like you'll hear the same track 50 times in a row. You'll hear that track every now and then, but not always. Good times!
This is the best that I can do as far as an honest impression goes, as far as first blush is concerned. I'll make sure to write a full review and have it posted here for you to see, if interested. ;)
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