I've been away from Gamespot for a while now. This all relates to me having to go to school, work 40 hours a week, and othe rmiscellaneous activities, like playing video games. Anyway, I came here today to ask a serious question. What if I told you I wanted to start a website? I've managed websites in the past, some with great success, and I have a website with a friend of mine right now that gets around 300 unique views a day. However, what I want to start would be something different than I have ever done before. I want to build a gaming website. A place different than the others. A place that REAL gamers can go to to get reviews, from REAL gamers. Not big time writers that get access to behind the scenes or fly to a different state to see the unveiling of a video game. I'm talking about regular joe's that rent and buy there games, play them, and give their legitimate opinions of them. I did this before with a music website of mine, except I ran it by myself. Within 3 months, I was getting press releases from a few record labels, and a band from Canada emailed me after an interview and said that an indie label was going to help produce their debut album due to my website. I was impressed, and I would like to do something bigger, and better with video games. However, I do not have the time, nor the money, nor all the resources to cover all of the gaming world. I'd like to write reviews, sneak peaks, opinions, and etc about the PS3 and Xbox 360. But, I would also like the site to include the Wii, as well as the handheld systems, and the PC. So I come to you looking for ideas, opinions, and advice for this project. I also come to you looking for writers who would be dedicated enough to help me with this project. Especially quality writers with access and expertise to the PC, nintendo, and handheld systems. Other inquiries will not necessarily be turned down though. I am not a perfect writer myself, but I do know how to express myself through my writing. Any serious inquiries can PM me on this project. Please feel free to comment. Thanks Gamespot.
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