Before I begin apologies if anyone takes this personally, I just get fed up with people supporting bad business, and games that are making the industry worse overall for all of us, and inspiring other developers to do the same.
Anyone remember Anthem? Nor me till this, it's some micro-transaction game many on the forums defended because of nostalgia for Bioware; some developer that makes Effecting Mass.
Well anywho! EA and Bioware think they've found the perfect sauce to fix this train-wreck, or atleast bring back people who were gullible to begin with. And that is add pirates. It's so simple_
What a good use of a year+ trying to fix a turd. When one is at the bottom you can only go up right? That's Biowares motto. .
Personally I don't think aesthetics was Anthems problem, Bioware makes games with amazing production values. Fault is everything else, it's shallow and repetitive, also controls like garbage. It's not that difficult to grasp.
Anthem from my perspective wanted to be Monster Hunter (or Destiny maybe to people who don't know MH) but couldn't remotely capture what makes either enjoyable.
Bioware created shiny single-player roleplay games with dating simulator side activities. They really didn't have the skills or talent for a project like this. And was in serious need of programmers/ designers that understand fundamental depth and replay-value. Which apparently they didn't bother to put as a job listing. .
*So what is Games Discussions hot-take on the matter. Buying day one because Bioware, no chance, or will wait and see?
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