so i just got grandia, and i am head over heels in love with the game. but what i like to do with games like grandia that have a light heated and simple story is to play concurrently another game with thicker, heavier and maybe darker story. so ive been looking at chrono cross. now what im asking is if you guys think this game suits me or not. jrpgs ive liked: saga frontier, grandia, ff6, breath of fire and suikoden . i also like games with a large selection of permanent party members
Well Chrono Cross is perhaps my favorite game of all time, so I can heartily recommend it. Though you're right that's it's different from Grandia. For me the Grandia games are a bit too much of a dungeon grind-fest without a lot of story, though I do really love the Grandia combat system. Chrono Cross is very story-focused with lots and lots of extra things to do and find. I wouldn't say the story is particularly dark or light-hearted, it's somewhere in the middle. BUt it's... heavy, and convoluted. Both of which I like, some people don't. I'd say the most valid criticisms of it are that it's occassionally difficult to find where you need to go or what to do, so you may need to check gamefaqs to be able to advance once or twice. The way to get the "real" ending also is easily missed without a guide. Also, some people complain that they don't really develop a lot of the 44 characters, but to me, they develop the "core" party enough.
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