I was in GameSTOP the other day and something shameful happened.
A 9 years old kid entered the store with a plastic bag full of xbox games, including the GTA double pack, willing to trade them in for something else. The guy behind the counter (a friend of mine) checked the trade-in values on the computer and, hesitating, told him he would give him $1.75 for all (that's 25-50 cents for each game). I offered to buy the GTA pack for $2 and so I did, so he got my $2 + $1.25 for the rest, and still all he could afford was a pack of Yu Gi Oh card he doesn't even collect. Previously he had traded in his xbox for, take a deep breath, $10 (GS employees told me they give you $5 now).
It's a terrible commercial system they set up, ripping off people without giving a damn.
Don't trade in your system and games, sell them in private: how can you be content with 5-10 dollars for your old console? You don't even buy a ticket to the movies with that cash.
This is one of many GameSTOP horror stories. I saw a union called 'Stop GameSTOP' and I really understand them.
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