You cant relax in a MP game in todays world. Not with all this stat tracking. if i just want to screw around & play dumb the entire match, the game wiil track my stats & will affect my leaderboard score, K/D, all that nonsense. I remember the days where we had ranked matches & unranked matches. Now every match is a ranked match, which means you can never relax & have fun.
Mp today is too serious for fun anymore, this is why im getting tired of it. All this stat tracking, all the try hards online, all the ranking up & unlocking things, it just sucks the life & fun out of it. Last time i was relaxed & had fun with a MP game was with GRAW, Far Cry Instincts, Splinter cell Chaos Theory, Halo 2 & 3, Star Wars Battlefront 2, GOW1, COD3 & a few others. Those were released yrs ago before all MP games became RPGs.
Actually Call of Juarez BOB comes to mind as the last somewhat relaxing MP game ive played in recent yrs.
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