oooh an attempt at a clever title.
anyhow, I was wondering. I am someone who, despite not having a penny to knock together, has manage to get his hands on each of the modern consoles and a selection of older consoles.
So I went shopping today for the new sonic game, lame I know but I had fun playing it today so nerrrrr. Anyway, my girlfriend asked me to get it on ps3, because we don't have many ps3 games.
This lead me to thinking about why I but games for specific consoles and indirectly about, what console would I get rid of if i had to and most importantly why would i keep the other console/s.
So this is for those of you like me who own all 3 of the main home consoles. What ones would you keep and for what reasons?
Now I personally would have a hard time selling any as Ive got paid for content on all 3.
But I would Keep the ps3 for the quality of the system overall (helps that is blu-ray and the backwards compatible modal on ps1 and 2)
Yet saying that I would keep the xbox 360 for fighters, achievements and xbox live.
I suppose the wii is the only one that's hard to find a reason to keep, aside from the fact the exclusive games that are good, ARE REALLY F******G GOOD
So I would buckle in seconds and ask you to buy my cat or something instead. :/
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