There's only one rule to this, you can't do "I want a system that can play every game out there, AKA Wii + PS3 + 360 or something similar". Also please make the price at least somewhat realistic.
Specs: The system would have the CPU of a current average PC with a graphics card of the Dreamcast. The sound card would also be pretty average by todays standards.
The joystick also adjusts to each game, so in case you play a game where you have to move around in a 3D world, moving the joystick will be highly of ease as of an analog stick. There would also be a speaker inside each controller. It also has 4 USB ports to support Gun Cons, Mouse and Keyboards, and of course regular controllers produced by third parties.
System: It would be the size of 3 DS cases. The color would be black. As for the medium it would download games direct to its 80 GB hard-drive. In case a user doesn't have online, he could go to his local gamestore and simply purchase a game having the store clerk hook up the hard-drive via USB to the stores computer to instantly save the game to the hard-drive. More Hard-Drives can be purchased for $59.99 As far as online goes the system supports both USB and Wireless online play.
Games: It would be highly in favor of 2D games. The main genres amongst the system would be JRPG's, Fighting Games, Shoot-em-ups, and Side-Scrolling Adventures. However many genres dwell withing the system since it is very small developer friendly since it is so cheap and easy to develop for. The main third parties that would support the console would be Atlus, SEGA, Lucasarts, NIS, Capcom, and Konami.
Notable First 2 Year Titles: Ground Up Shoot-em-up from the Touhou Project Team, Princess Crown 3 from VanillaWare, DragonForce 3 from Overworks, Ground Up Fighting Game from Capcom, Ground up Side-Scrolling Adventure from IGA, Gunstar Heroes 3, First Person Shooter/Survival Horror Game from a Premier Developer, Adventure Game from Double Fine Studios, Level-5 JRPG, Ground up JRPG from Atlus, Ground Up Multiplayer FPS from a Premiere Developer, Ground Up 3D Fighter from a Premier Developer, Ground up 3D Adventure Platformer from a Premier Developer, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake remake from Kojima Productions, Snatcher 2 from Kojima Productions in colloboration with Suda 51, Special DDR: Supernova with Metal Dance Pad and a total seperate hard-drive with every song in it's original arcade form *cost is a little pricey*, Power Stone 3 from Capcom, Skies of Arcadia 2 from SEGA, FPS/RPG from LucasArts.
Notable Features: The Online System would be as simple as X-Fire, just create a username and add friends to your list, and the system will tell you who and who isn't online and when they log in and out. Also like the Wii's Virtual Console you can download games from the past. However, the sevice will mostly concentrate on rare games that are in present day too hard to find. It even has coders translate game originally only avalible in Japan for the Western audience. The games would be downloaded to the hard-drive and would be emulated, but if the game exceeds the system's power, it would be loaded up instead of being emulated *similar to STEAM's system*. Small developer new content isn't needed since it's so cheap and easy to create a game for retail.
Notable Games for the Online Download Service: Radiant Silvergun, Valkyrie Profile, Bahamut Lagoon, Snatcher, TES II: Daggerfall, Planescape Torment, Einhander, Xenogears, Suikoden II, Escape from Monkey Island, Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei, Grandia, Panzer Dragoon: Saga, Power Stone, etc.
Price: The System would cost $139.99.
Slogan: "1,2,3,4 ONLY FOR THE HARDCORE!"
Best Slogan Ever!
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