what are some of ur creepy game moments u experienced in any horror based game
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It isn't a horror game, but when you're about to fight that "Terminator" boss from Contra 3, he rips open a wall to fight you. Plus, as he's doing it, the background theme is eerie.
That was pretty scary growing up.
The Haunted Cathedral in the original Theif. The Chains have some very creepy voices and everything about this level, and really all the "haunted" levels in the game (and series) is incredibly atmospheric. Sure, the graphics are dated, but everything else, especially the audio, is top notch.
Doom II in my basement with the lights off with a buddy, great time! Also, Resident Evil, the first time the dogs smash through the window.
The dog thing is a very classic moment that will forever be remebered in gaming history. But after the shock wears off, it becomes less scary.
Three classic GCN games.
1. Metroid Prime: any sections involving ****** metroids... especially when they escape.
2. ReDeads and Floormasters from Wind Waker... ugh... bad memories. I was so paranoid, I threw bombs at every coffin I saw in the earth temple... only got screamed at once.
3. Wierd answer time. Paper Mario: TTYD. Here:
Imagine the Tower of Riddles, home alone, as an 8-year old. In the dark. It's raining outside.
the oven man in resident evil 4 the dunwich building in fallout 3awesomeray
Oven man actually made me laugh so hard.
A lot of my creepy moments from games either came from sounds or music.
Silent Hill 1: Some of the "music" in the game made me anxious.
Fatal Frame: Again the music, or whatever that is when you are walking through the mansion.
RE4: That weird breathing sound the regenerators make.
Edit: Oh and that creepy ghost child you have to face in Fatal Frame.
First mutant, playing System Shock 1 in the dark with headphones on highest difficulty. Only time I've ever come close to crapping myself in terror. Naturally, I can breeze through Silent Hill and Ravenholm with no issues. Yet a pixelated cybermutant? Ohdearjesusscary.
Though I found the Mediumlifters in Descent 1 to be horrifying as a child, possibly because of the blood on their claws. Or because, when playing at the age of 4, I managed to trap myself in a pitch-black room with 6 of them.
Actual horror games? Amnesia got a little creepy, but I found the game itself boring.
Though I have a phobia of graphical glitches - one in Jak 2 where the city didn't load properly and people were floating through a flickering void with the ugly skybox smeared across the background freaked me out pretty badly. Though I was only 12, so... xD
when i was younger around 11 years old, my brother in law was playing RE2 and there was a part where you go into a room that had this big mirror connected to the room next door. the music was silent and you can only hear your footsteps.then you had to go grab that key and once you grabed it and ran back to the door, the Licker would jump out through the mirror and the music would play a tone where your adrenaline rushes trying to get away. but it wasnt that scary for me, my sister was the one who was scared she jumped up screaming and ran behind the sofa
When I was little and stumbled into ridley's lair in the Nes metroid...that music scared the crap out me man
And in super metroid the haunted ship had a very eerie feeling to it...
and in metroid fusion...whenever you saw the SA-X
-jeeze that is a lot of metroid games XD lol
I played this recently for the Snes...
Clock Tower....after the first encounter with scissorman where you start exploring the house and it is all dark and quiet and crap like that...there is no sound in that game except for jennifer's footsteps
Id have to say the first zombie you see in Resident Evil 1, it may be nothing now, but back in 1996 when that zombie turned his head in that full motion video that scared me and my brother pretty good.
When the cat jumps out of the school locker in Silent Hill.
Encountering your first xenomorph in Aliens v.s Predator. (Marine campaign.) Genuinely worthy of making you jump out your skin.
Hearing the sound of wretches in Gears Of War. **Shudder.**
First I'll point to the cutscene my avy is from. Fatal Frame 2 was just one giant bag of scary, so it is easiest for me to just point out that particular cutscene as it is probably the most chilling cutscene I have ever come across in a game.
Then of course you can't talk about creepy games without talking about Silent Hill 2. That whole game is one big mind**** and is easily the most unsettling experience I have ever had despite how much I absolutely LOVE the game. I would probably say the prison is the pinnacle of creepy in that game for two reasons:
1) The weird, very audible mumbling you can hear in the one room yet you can NEVER find the source of.
2) If you trigger the bathroom scene without knowing it you just may have to change your pants. I feel very glad that it only scared the **** out of me in a metaphorical manner.
I guess it is also good to point out REmakes creep factor with the crimson heads. Such a brilliant and freaky touch to the game. The crimson heads are just utterly terrifying and scary. They not only make you panic because of how quick and strong they are, but they are also disturbing enough to be freaky on their own, ESPECIALLY if you pay attention to the way they get up off the ground.
what part? The whole damned game.
Agree totally
i underline Aqua Ring in resident evil remake too
Ooh, the SA-X, I forgot that one...When I was little and stumbled into ridley's lair in the Nes metroid...that music scared the crap out me man
And in super metroid the haunted ship had a very eerie feeling to it...
and in metroid fusion...whenever you saw the SA-X
-jeeze that is a lot of metroid games XD lol
I played this recently for the Snes...
Clock Tower....after the first encounter with scissorman where you start exploring the house and it is all dark and quiet and crap like that...there is no sound in that game except for jennifer's footsteps
Resident Evil (the remake of it on the Nintendo GameCube) has some of the creepiest gaming moments in my opinion. The GameCube version was the first time I had ever played Resident Evil, so I was new to the story and experience (and therefore didn't know what was coming, obviously), and I'm guessing the realistic graphics of this version probably made it more intense than the graphics of the original on the PlayStation, they certainly made it feel pretty real for me, which I'm not sure the original could have done quite the same way. The scene with the rapid zombie-dogs bursting through the window for the first time that some other people mentioned was definitely a pretty scary moment, since up to that point in the game you come to expect all the scary stuff to be coming at you from inside the mansion, and suddenly you're walking through a hallway and what you had previously been protected from (whatever lurks outside) is able to break through the barrier of the window and attack you, after that I definitely felt more paranoid and less safe playing the game, since it felt like there was no real "safe area" in the game. I also remember the part of Resident Evil where you enter this abandoned cabin and encounter this creepy zombie-mutant girl (I think her name was Lisa or something?) for the first time being really intense, especially since you can't kill her so you just have to run like hell to save your life as this creepy music plays in the background. I'm sure there's lots of other good creepy games I could mention too that just aren't coming to mind right now, but Resident Evil definitely stands out for me, pretty much the whole game is a "creepy game moment".
Resident Evil (the remake of it on the Nintendo GameCube) has some of the creepiest gaming moments in my opinion. The GameCube version was the first time I had ever played Resident Evil, so I was new to the story and experience (and therefore didn't know what was coming, obviously), and I'm guessing the realistic graphics of this version probably made it more intense than the graphics of the original on the PlayStation, they certainly made it feel pretty real for me, which I'm not sure the original could have done quite the same way. The scene with the rapid zombie-dogs bursting through the window for the first time that some other people mentioned was definitely a pretty scary moment, since up to that point in the game you come to expect all the scary stuff to be coming at you from inside the mansion, and suddenly you're walking through a hallway and what you had previously been protected from (whatever lurks outside) is able to break through the barrier of the window and attack you, after that I definitely felt more paranoid and less safe playing the game, since it felt like there was no real "safe area" in the game. I also remember the part of Resident Evil where you enter this abandoned cabin and encounter this creepy zombie-mutant girl (I think her name was Lisa or something?) for the first time being really intense, especially since you can't kill her so you just have to run like hell to save your life as this creepy music plays in the background. I'm sure there's lots of other good creepy games I could mention too that just aren't coming to mind right now, but Resident Evil definitely stands out for me, pretty much the whole game is a "creepy game moment".
At the time of the original release on the PS, Resident Evil had some pretty stellar graphics. For me, graphicsshould only be critiqued within the time frame the game was released.
When I was a kid Tomb Raider 3 Terrified me, Especially the mission where you find that guy in the treehouse, I thought the Natives and dinosaurs where going to get me if I left so I spent bout an hour up in that treehouse before finally doing the level skip cheat :P.
That's actually another game, thanks for reminding me.. What creeped me out was the old man at Lara's mansion. How he'd follow you around everywhere and you'd turn around and he was right there. So I lured him into the walk-in freezer and locked him inside so he'd quit following me. XDWhen I was a kid Tomb Raider 3 Terrified me, Especially the mission where you find that guy in the treehouse, I thought the Natives and dinosaurs where going to get me if I left so I spent bout an hour up in that treehouse before finally doing the level skip cheat :P.
Yes, definitely the old cathedral in Thief: The Dark Project. The sound design in that game is phenomenal (and all Thief games for that matter). System Shock 2 (another Looking Glass Studio game). Thinking you've cleared the area of monsters, you turn around to head back only to have one standing right in your face. That scared me every time.The Haunted Cathedral in the original Theif. The Chains have some very creepy voices and everything about this level, and really all the "haunted" levels in the game (and series) is incredibly atmospheric. Sure, the graphics are dated, but everything else, especially the audio, is top notch.
Doom II in my basement with the lights off with a buddy, great time! Also, Resident Evil, the first time the dogs smash through the window.
The dog thing is a very classic moment that will forever be remebered in gaming history. But after the shock wears off, it becomes less scary.
Yeah, I was expecting it to happen again in Lost In Nightmares... shame, but nevermind :P. Some more scary moments (for me anyway) would be: T-Rex battles on Tomb Raider I and II, Nemesis chasing you on RE3, the zombies CRASHING through the boarded up window on RE2 (not far in to the game - when you run back downstairs in the police station), Mr. X CRASHING through a wall (the room with the 3 flame puzzles on RE2). Those are some of the most awesome ones :D. Oh, and is it just me, or did anybody else find those apes/gorillas creepy on Tomb Raider I? :P.First mutant, playing System Shock 1 in the dark with headphones on highest difficulty. Only time I've ever come close to crapping myself in terror. Naturally, I can breeze through Silent Hill and Ravenholm with no issues. Yet a pixelated cybermutant? Ohdearjesusscary.
Though I found the Mediumlifters in Descent 1 to be horrifying as a child, possibly because of the blood on their claws. Or because, when playing at the age of 4, I managed to trap myself in a pitch-black room with 6 of them.
Actual horror games? Amnesia got a little creepy, but I found the game itself boring.
Though I have a phobia of graphical glitches - one in Jak 2 where the city didn't load properly and people were floating through a flickering void with the ugly skybox smeared across the background freaked me out pretty badly. Though I was only 12, so... xD
I totally agree with the fear of glitches -- they freak me out. Falling through the floor, anything out of the ordinary (most of the time, area glitches). For example, Shadow of the Collossus was so full of area glitches, I can hardly even bring myself to play it sometimes. I was fighting one of the collossus' and was not happy to see the floor, background and music gone, with just the collossus and the wanderer on different levels on the floor.
Other than that, I don't play scary games. I don't do that to my poor nerves : )
I remember alot of stuff from Doom 3. Like this one time just as you start a level all these body parts start falling out of this vent in the ceiling, and in this bathroom, when you look in the mirror, the game turns into hell and stuff, it was kind of weird.
Doom II in my basement with the lights off with a buddy, great time! Also, Resident Evil, the first time the dogs smash through the window.
The dog thing is a very classic moment that will forever be remebered in gaming history. But after the shock wears off, it becomes less scary.
It's also pretty funny if you look closely you can see the window smashing and glas flying into the hallway a few seconds before the dog gets through :D
STALKER, the first one. I know this is not a legacy platform, but i still remember it like was it 2 mins ago.
Up until the point in the game where this usually happens, all your encounters with creepy mutants besides the dogs and bulls are all taking place in the X Labs. Then you eventually get to an old factory that also servers as a bandit hideout, so its populated. Has a semi big side building next to it, 2 story. Upstairs rooms are empty with a dead stalker inside. When you search his pack you trigger a scripted event, and as soon as you leave the room and head for the stairs, a bloodsucker (the invisible mutants) spawn literelly in arms reach in front of you, but you can only see its eyes. I almost shat myself. The way the game suddenly changed the rules like that made me feel uneasy playing the rest of the game. Scary **** was supposed to stay in the labs!
Besides that, anything that had anything to do with the Ravens/Crows. Everything from getting the grenade launcher from the corpse on the balcony, to when you are getting something i forgot in the gallery.
Illbleed for Dreamcast. The whole point of the game was to not die of fright and bleed to death. I particularly remember the first level, Homerun of Death, creeping around some horrendous burned out hotel with just ridiculous pools of blood spraying everywhere, bizarre protruding faces, old roasted chicken with snarling teeth, the psychotic flamethrower guy... Probably the craziest game I've ever played. Oddly, I think the now outdated and crude graphics would make this game even better.
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