Yes, I am indeed talking about the little green crocodile with the brown backpack who is known as some sort of "Legend of the Gobbos". His job was to stomp on and eliminate "midgets" and collect... I forget what they are called :P. Awesome game... I still have it on my pile of PS1 games and I am never going to sell it and I believe I got it the same year it came out for Christmas! Funnily enough, I haven't played it for what must be over 6 or 7 years now... but I really must sometime soon. I never actually was able to complete it legit as there were loads of levels and back in the day the game kept getting hard... but I have to see it through next time! :P. I still remember the first level... there was a well in front of you that led in to this cave, but before you break through it, it's a good idea to jump up to the platform above you that is hard to see. I believe there was also a secret area up there somewhere... and those giant snake things that sometimes popped out of the wells used to creep me out lol. I really, really must play this game again... for those of you who have never played it... you really should if you love Crash Bandicootor Spyro the Dragon! check it out on eBay. :)
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