[QUOTE="Roris0A"][QUOTE="smerlus"][QUOTE="UpInFlames"] [QUOTE="smerlus"]smerlus
I think learning from stardock, finding a new publisher and getting on steam is a lot easier and cheaper than getting the extra manpower to go mult-platform :P
And really is that a fact? You take a small group of people who act the same and make them into a whole group.. And I think that's how this somehow evolved into your "fact". How big is this group of pc gamers? I'm not trying to over-analyze anything but I just hate when people group individuals for really superficial reasons.
Really no one thinks Crytek owes them anything. They're just voicing their concern from a consumer standpoint. Crytek has been the last big graphical pusher for the PC and with them going console they may not have enough recources to make another great pc encentric experience like Crysis was. And for because of piracy. Which I don't think is a "lie". But it's definitely not an un-beatable fight for reasons I've already explained. So basically many individuals feel there isn't a neccissity for them to go to consoles. And finally yes it will be more profitable for them to mult-plat but as a customer of theirs I'm concerned about that.
What exactly would you like them to learn from Stardock? Does Stardock have a 'free stuff to piracy ratio' or chart that tells devs roughly how much things they should give out for free so that people don't steal their games or is it the fact that Stardock doesn't make hugely popular blockbuster titles and a few other factors are involved?
Simply that cd-protection doesn't work and replacing it with free updates will curb piracy by quite a bit. Free Updates also serve as a way to check if the game is legit or not. No stardock doesn't have any ratios but it has certainly worked. And really how would stardock get data like that?
There have also been many more people attracted to them becaues of the ease of installing thier games. And they've built up a solid rep like no other. Galactic Civilziations sold 300k in it's lifetime and now Sins has easily surpassed that in just a few months. No doubt their System requirments were a factor too. But the fact is all of these people who pirated Crysis had an adequate rig to run it otherwise it the downloads wouldn't be so high. And that's what Yerli was complaining about.
Also CEO and creative director Chris Taylor of GPG had a change of heart about piracy in pc gaming and is now working with Stardock to help publish his next game. He seems to agree and see their vision. And his game is on a much higher budget than probably all of Stardock's games put together.
Ditching the leading publisher to look for one with less capital and pull in the industry isn't a smart move especially now that Crytek has announced that they're going multiplatform and more than likely EA would be willing to pony up any extra money hiring console devs would cost.
so no. none of those are easier, smarter or will have as large a payout as going multi platform.
EA just has more cash for advertising and thats it. if Crytek moved away from them they could put their next game on D2D, steam, gamersgate, gametap, etc I'm pretty sure that would be much better than sticking with EA downloader and seeing that Crysis pretty much advertised itself I don't think they would need that much of a budget for advertising. It seems like they need more places to sell their game.
I don't think changing their mind after the announcement would hurt anything. And I think Crytek funded most of the game themselves - which I'm not quiet sure about to be honest, so they would probably hire new developers themselves. And that takes a lot of time and space either way. So I don't think it would be easier than just staying with their current developers and focusing on the pc.
Also I never said staying on the pc platform would be more profitable.
actually I didn't want to put the effort into type PC elitest... I actually play PC games myself so i'm using the "if the shoe fits..." rule when posting.
lol now they are pc elitists? what I'm trying to say is you're the only one who's putting these guys into an ugly group.I could go put anyone in this forum into some superficial group and get irriated at them, but would just be stupid.. You basically ignored my reasoning behind it.
lastly, you forget that it's just not piracy but also the lure of more profits that has them interested in going the console route. So yes they could possibly do any of those things listed, they just choose to make more money and not care about antipiracy as long as they can make money elsewear
Yes the lure of bigger profits because of piracy. It wasn't soley because of more profits on a console. If they had that attitude they could've went to consoles at the beginning of this generation like every other pc developer. So I'm quite sure it's becauase of piracy. Which leads me to believe I don't think they're looking at the whole picture on pc gaming with stardock's strategy.
I have a feeling this could go on forever..
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