I am so pissed off with the PvP/Covenants in this game!
I wouldn't mind so much but they have tied rings and magic that I need for the Platinum into them. The faction items are the ONLY items I need for Platinum and the damn thing is just SO FRUSTRATING.
Covenants NEVER seem to summon me. Hours I've been playing the game with the little icon next to my health flashing and not one summon. So how the **** are we supposed to rank up factions if we can't actually FIGHT for them?
Then the PvP covenants. You invade someone in this game and they either have six people already waiting for you in which case you have no chance or the game is so laggy it is basically unplayable. I mean do you fucking losers actually find rolling over a player 6 v 1 fun? Fucking casuals invading again.
Then on top of that you have to put up with shit like the poise mechanic not working in the game so you just get pussies who stand there jabbing you with a quick weapon into instant stun lock that you can't escape from. Slow clap for the skill-less generation we are in.
The entire process is an unbalanced joke. Fucking pathetic. Make a dedicated multiplayer area and let us fight fair duels. FFS!
Well good bye Platinum anyway. I'm not banging my head against that wall any longer. Fucking idiotic.
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