Greetings, everyone. I am searching for dating simulation video games but so far I have had no luck. I now turn to you all for assistance. I will accept any and all recommendations. In addition to this, I would like to know if purchasing a computer monitor and connecting my PlayStation 4 to that monitor and using a SCUF controller would make any difference in my performance when playing video games such as Call of Duty. When I say "performance", I am referring to my skills and how well I perform in these games on an individual level. Whenever I am playing in multiplayer, and I see an enemy, I am always somehow killed before I can even fully raise my weapon, even with Quickdraw equipped. I have seen many televisions and monitors on the market that boast a 1 ms response time. What does this response time refer to and how does it affect the displaying of information? I have seen SCUF controllers and their features, and one feature that caught my eye were the FANGS that can be attached to the L2 and R2 buttons on the controller. What do these do and what is the benefit of using them? Thank you for reading this post and assisting me.
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