Depends on what you want, i would look at what you want in terms of games. If you want a 360, you got Forza, Gears of War, Halo, Fable and indie stuff like Dust an Elysian Tale, Trials Evolution, Mark of the Ninja, etc that you can only get there. But it relies mostly on third parties. The PS4 is the peak of console gaming atm, but only has two exclusives in terms of retail. There are enough games on it, but you can get most of them on PS3 and 360, but they don't look as good on that. Wii U has the best first party exclusives perhaps on that liste with Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D world, Super Mario Bros U, Pikmen and Wonderful 101 and other games coming for it such as Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros, Mario Kart U, Donkey Kong and the new Zelda. 3Ds has a strong library aswell Pokemon, Zelda, MArio 3D Land, Fire Emblem and much more. So it depends on what you really want with the system.
I have a 3DS, a 360 and a PS4. I would go for the PS4 personally, but Wii U and a 3DS are choices i woulnd't regret either. If you have a PS3 you can get games for it that you can get on the 360. Mine has been collecting dust since i got the PS3
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