So as you can probably tell from my username, i'm a Konami fan boy. And I especially love all the titles Kojima has produced, obviously Metal Gear Solid being my number 1 game. So i'm here chilling on the internet watching and reading all that I can for The Phantom Pain and I though "hey why not bust out my PS3 and go on Metal Gear". So I did and I loaded up Sons Of Liberty and looked at my files and felt abit kiddy. The reason why I felt like this is because I looked at the difficulties and felt like a (not to sound too cliche) noob. It went from easy to very hard, I don't know why but in the heat of the moment I thought "i'm better than this, I can totally clear this game on European extreme".
So I go to my svae data utility and look at the MGS HD save files and saw my Snake Eater files aswell most of them were normal so then I though "right **** this!" and deleted all my saves, I don't know why I just felt like a noob even though I know I could beat these games on Extreme mode. A few minutes later I felt a weird feeling of regret and I felt like I deleted memories (litreally). I was wondering if anyone else has done and if they have, how did you feel?
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