I'm thoroughly enjoying this game. Standing at level 25 about to be 26. I've leveled up almost entirely in the crucible. In PVP the rewards are scaled with your level which is great. I had a full set of blue light gear rather quickly and I've actually obtained two purple weapons from purple engrams so I consider myself lucky after reading all the threads. From a technical standpoint the hit boxes, targeting system, and weapons feel great. Shooting at the floor no longer entitles you to a headshot from some sort of weird lag compensation.
My favorite moments so far are smashing a group of 3+ in control trying to capture a point with my Titan. It's just really satisfying. In PvE I had a fantastic time with friends taking on the moon strike and killing Phogoth (?).
I think most of the negative comments comes from reviewers trying to fit 40+ hours of gaming in two days. You'll get gaming fatigue trying to do that. My only issues with the game thus far are the cap on crucible currency and with the recent reveal of DLC through a bug, no extra planets :(. I understand the currency cap though, it's to prevent those from having an extraordinary amount of free time from overpowering those with less. A good balancing tool in my opinion. I am hopeful that the dlc reveal is not something Bungie is married to and that they will throw in a planet or two.
To the original poster, thank you for this thread. It's nice to see some positive feedback.
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