I remember myself playing videogames since I was only 7 years old. From the moment I started playing Sonic from Sega, I undesrtood how funny games could be. But, when N64 came to my hands, it made my days. Games like Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Smash Bros and finally Zelda: Ocarina of Time became me the player I am.
I know that the kind of games I do play right now are definitely differents to those N64 games, but everytime someone ask me what was the best video game moment for me, N64 just comes to my mind. And that's not only for the Super Mario 64 Gameplay, but also Zelda's narrative. I believe Zelda was the first videogame in which I could play with Link and suddenly the night came trough the battlefield. It was pretty cool.
I have to admit that right now I am not a Nintendo player indeed, but still keep my N64 in safe. You never know: maybe I'd play Goldeneye this weekend.
What was your favorite N64 video game?
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