Digital distribution - it's been called the future of gaming, right? Having the convenience of downloading - or even streaming - games to your home is an appealing idea for many people. Personally I prefer to own physical copies, but that's a different story.
Anyway, I say that it's unrealistic (at least for the time being) simply because of internet restrictions. As of now, I have a 1.5 mbps download connection, and it takes FOREVER to download anything. I know, some of you are probably thinking stop being so cheap and buy a faster connection, but at the moment, no other service is available in my area. This is quite the problem - take for example today, when I was trying to download the Shogun 2 demo off of Steam - a download of about 6 gigs. As it turns out, at the current rate it would take over 1 day and 2 hours for the download to complete. A ridiculously long time to wait.
I surely cannot be the only person with such network issues. The problem is not everyone has 10+ mbps connections, and physical media is not so much of a preferred option as the necessary one.
I can only imagine ISPs increasing bandwidth restrictions as games become downloaded more. I see people on gaming websites and these forums everyday saying that in 10 years or so, everything will be downloadable. Really? Based off of the internet available today, it doesn't seem like the best decision to me.
Those are just my thoughts. What do you guys think?
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