What are some of the most disappointing Boss battles you've played?
One Boss battle that I felt was pretty weak was the fight against Darth Nihilus in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2...he was so easy to defeat and it just seemed so insignificant...
Great example. I love KOTOR 2 but I crushed Darth Nihilus in about one minute without losing half my health. He was a joke, fortunatly the final boss...*spoiler alert*
Kreia was actually very challenging.
There is another "boss" that recently disappointed me and that would be the final confrontation in Bad Company. I loved the single player in Bad Company which was surprisingly excellent, despite DICE's reputation for making crappy single player campaigns.
I just found that fighting the Legionnaire as he was in a helicopter was a bit anticlimatic. I mean it wasn't too challenging or too easy, the difficulty was just right and I take pride in the fact that my final blow to the helicopter was actually a grenade launcher to the cockpit.
But to be honest, I would much rather have confronted him directly in a fire fight in a city, blowing apart buildings to take him and Acta Non Verba down. Perhaps it is me just nitpicking, because I really do love the B-Company single player. I was just a little let down by the final fight.
Fortunatly I will be playing the multiplayer for quite awhile, probably for the rest of the summer. What a great game. :D
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