What were your disappointments for the year?
For me on a personal basis it was Alpha Protocol: Thank God I was to busy playing RDR to pre-order this. I was so looking forward to this game. Mass Effect meets James Bond. Instead a buggy unfinished mess with some of the most lethargic voice acting around.
PC Game: Final Fantasy XIV: When you do beta testing you probably shouldn't charge for the game. I'm sure PC gamers are thrilled to be in the position to help Square/Enix shine up their PS3 MMO. Bad design decisions piled on bad design decisions. Unlike APB (RIP) Final Fantasy XIV should work as a game concept and this isn't Square's first trip to the rodeo. The unfinished nature and bizarre choices made in the release is simple inexcusable
Nintendo Wii: Virtual Console: Shovelware my friend is Nintendo. Xbox Indie games has a better hit/miss ratio than this mess. And at least Indie games run all of a buck in most cases,
Xbox 360: Crackdown 2: Zombie DLC is all the rage. Charging $60 for your zombie DLC does however takes some big brass ones. We heard all the excuses... The developer only had six months, math is hard, little Timmy got sick ect... This most have been the most profitable game in Xbox360 history cause if it cost more than $100,000 to put on a few new skins on the exact same Crackdown game I will eat my hat.
PS3: Gran Turisimo 5: Good News it plays just like GT 3... bad news, it plays just like GT 3. Driving simulator? Making use of opponent cars to make turns at high speed check. Ignoring S curves without penalty. Check. As a car collecting game it is an even bigger disaster. What exactly is the point of collecting 1000+ cars if you can't customize them again? Saints Row 2 did car collecting better for Gods sake. Add on bloat, graphical inconsistency, online woes and a horrible use of the Top Gear license (Did they even watch the show) and you have a bit of a fiasco.
Multiplatform: Final Fantasy XIII: If I wanted to watch a 20 hour anime I would have bought one. The first twenty hours are a like a quick time event with only one button to push. I have had more interactivity fast forwarding through porn.
So these are my disappointments for 2010. What are your guys.
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