@Ish_basic said:
Monster Hunter irritated me because unlike DD, it made no real effort to construct attack mechanics around fighting large enemies, so the whole experience felt like trying to smash a giant pinata.
Monsters in the game have unseen meters that build up as you play, one of which is the KO meter, to activate this and make it act on a blow/ put it in a dizzy state, the player will have to target the creatures weakness, and other factors for building KO come into play. Such as skill points in the KO ability, and even using weapons like hammers help. Some players that specialise in KO can knock out a large creature over ten times during an average hunt. Lower down the food-chain the monster is the easier to KO_
So when you break it down for what you can do to monsters in Monster Hunter- Stun them, poison them, put to sleep, rip off limbs, capture, mount, knock them out, trap, etc. You can do plenty outside whacking it like a "pinata". >You< just need to know what you're doing in a hunt. And my wild guess is you've given all those other RPGs mentioned above more time investment than MH. These features are hardly new, and have been apart of MH longer than DkS and TW entire history.
As much as I like Dragon's Dogma, much prefer the layers and tactics in Monster Hunter, it requires more thought and effort which I appreciate in a combat system, it also requires more notice in the map design for fighting. Dragon's Dogma is certainly good but the same tactics usually work on everything.
As for Dark Souls being simplistic, not sure I agree. Though inputs are limited. The ways to claim victory are numerous thanks to level design, status effects, and stats. These are the key reasons Dark Souls is an RPG to begin with. It has layers
and has massive collision issues
Dark Souls and DkSII sure. But less an issue in BB and DkSIII. Has better hitbox detection than most. Unless you're doing PvP then it varies depending on lag. . Or Hackers_
*A good tip for MH as well, if you're playing in multiplayer; monsters have larger build-up meters. (monsters scale from SP to MP) This means they're harder to KO/ Destroy/ etc. However if you still specialise, you'll be able to do what you're after a few times in a hunt.
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