Ever since achievements became available on STEAM, origin and Uplay I've noticed myself immediately reading the achievements before even playing the game as to do as many as I can in one play through even though most achievements, like on STEAM have no rewards other than self satisfaction. Now, something simple like, "kill five enemies with your knife" or "blow up an enemy using the environment", sure I can do that and it may happen naturally during game play. But when asked to play a certain way instead of playing the game as I want, I tend to follow what the achievements ask for.
Lets take Metro: Last light for example. Just installed it, went through the intro map and then began reading the achievements. Instead of fighting my way through, I found myself skulking around like in splinter cell, quietly taking out enemies as not to get detected. Then halfway through the game I find two achievement in which I must choose to either go stealth or take out everyone in the level, but which ever I choose, I will have to play through it a second time to unlock the other.
After scrolling through, majority of the achievements are stealth related which for me, began losing interest as I purchased the game for action not stealth. Sure I can play however I want and I most certainly will. STEAM achievements offer nothing so why should I put the time to unlock them unless I REALLY enjoyed the game...which is rare.
Maybe it's poor choices on achievement creativity and Metro may be a bad example. Alright, so how about Dishonored. All about stealth and not leaving a trace of your presence behind. I definitely am expecting stealth like achievements and boy did they deliver. Play the entire game without your super powers, don't kill anyone other than story related, etc. I played the game enjoying as many powers as I could, but I also played through only subduing the enemies which was time consuming as oppose to killing them as I saw them coming around. Again, I found myself losing interest as I was following the achievements instead of my own gameplay style.
Whether the achievement actually grants points or not, time and time again I've found myself changing my style in order to unlock the most amount of achievements on my first play through. The easy thing to do would be to finish the game first and then read the achievements and play through it a second time if I really enjoyed it that much, but on a personal level I hardly do go back and I tend to play most of my games once and then I move on to the next, so I guess you could say we've found where my problem lies.
How do you, the community tend to tackle the achievement lists on your initial play through?
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