Yep, basically condensing the above post, because I had to do this in a sociology class, twice, is the point that, people that play video games may tend to be somewhat more aggressive, but that is most likely what causes them to play video games, not the effect of playing them. Cause and effect are two very different things...
Of course most "researchers" or publishers that say video games cause violence have that impression off the bat, so they naturally interpret the data as they see fit. The last thing a publisher knows a parent wants to read is that it's YOUR fault your kids are messed up and YOU need to do something about it. It's much easier to blame video games.
In answer to the OP's post, no, no, and yes. I say no in that it had no more effect than anything else in life, like breathing or trying to change a tire in the rain... and sure occasionally I think I'd like to have super powers or dodge bullets, but then boring old reality kicks in and I think, I should go play a video game instead :P
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