Do you keep your games in alphabetical order or do you just put them anywhere? For me I alphabetize my games to make it easier to find what game I want to play. What about you guys?
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Do you keep your games in alphabetical order or do you just put them anywhere? For me I alphabetize my games to make it easier to find what game I want to play. What about you guys?
Nope. Mine are ordered 1st to last games finished and newest to oldest purchase date for the un played games. I play the oldest ones first so when I'm done with a game, it goes to the back of the last played list. They all get replays. I've been doing this for almost 30 years. If I don't do it that way, a lot of great games go years without being played because I'm more excited for others.
Anything to hide the fact you don't know the alphabet :lol:I group my games by the colour of their cases as best I can. Looks more co-ordinated then and neat
I organize them by the day I got them: the oldest ones go on top or the left, and the newest ones are on the bottom or furthest to the right.
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]Anything to hide the fact you don't know the alphabet :lol:I group my games by the colour of their cases as best I can. Looks more co-ordinated then and neat
No, but I do keep games in a series next to each other. That's about all the organizing I do, aside from putting them neatly on the shelf.
My console games are just sorted by the system they are for. My pc games are alphabetized thanks to Steam.
No, but I do keep games in a series next to each other. That's about all the organizing I do, aside from putting them neatly on the shelf.
That's what I do too.
I've tried putting them in alphabetical order but they never seem to stay that way for long.
I put all the miltary shooters, typical shooters, etc the same spot ( Example Cod, Moh, Crysis, Graw, rainbow6, Call Of juarez, battlefield, halo, gears of war, etc )
At the end of the collection i have what i consider to be my the best games i own. Besides that i have no particular order besides trying to keep any series together. For the most part i just throw them on my shelf & dont think twice about it.
Nope. The ones I've platinumed are on one shelf, along with the games I haven't started on. All the rest are on another shelf, in no order at all. Or maybe they're on another shelf in the entertainment center, or maybe they're on the coffee table.
or maybe under the bed, in the toilet, on the kitchen sink, outside on the porch, in the mailbox, in the laundry basket, in a dresser, on the floor, stuck to the ceiling, hanging off the windows, who knows...... they could be anywhere.
You never know where things could be at Jackc8s house. :D
I have in the past, but right now the only ones that are organized in any fashion are those from the 6th generation consoles and handhelds PS2, XB, GBA, NGPC, & GC and they are loosely arranged by genre, or actually by condition and then genre, since there are some that are unopened.
Boxes? you guys are tlaking about dust magnet, wastes of space, PHYSICAL boxes???
Welcome to 2012!
I don't own any physical copies of games anymore. Thanks to Steam,, Origin, Impulse, GameFly, etc.
So my colleciton is virtual, and what I do is I organize my games by genre on my Steam list.
So RPG's, Third Person Shooters, Multi-player Focused FPS's, Grand Strategy, Indie, 2D platformer, etc, etc, and then my games are alhpabetized within each genre.
Kind of like Itunes and my music collection in that regard I guess. I don't own any physical music CD's either.
Can I laugh when something goes badly wrong and you lose all your digital games?Boxes? you guys are tlaking about dust magnet, wastes of space, PHYSICAL boxes???
Welcome to 2012!
I don't own any physical copies of games anymore. Thanks to Steam,, Origin, Impulse, GameFly, etc.
So my colleciton is virtual, and what I do is I organize my games by genre on my Steam list.
So RPG's, Third Person Shooters, Multi-player Focused FPS's, Grand Strategy, Indie, 2D platformer, etc, etc, and then my games are alhpabetized within each genre.
Kind of like Itunes and my music collection in that regard I guess. I don't own any physical music CD's either.
You mean when a comet crashes on Valve headquarters AND the several servers ghosting the games accross the world?
I think we'll all have better things to worry abotu than games when THAT happens.
Or in other words, it's A LOT more likey that you will lose/damage your game disc than Steam would "lose" my games.
They live in the cloud. Safe from little brothers and clumsy friends.
I don't have any brothers and I'm not clumsy. I look after my stuff. Thanks. Don't think you're better than everyone else just because everything you own is digital. It doesn't suit you.???
You mean when a comet crashes on Valve headquarters AND the several servers ghosting the games accross the world?
I think we'll all have better things to worry abotu than games when THAT happens.
Or in other words, it's A LOT more likey that you will lose/damage your game disc than Steam would "lose" my games.
They live in the cloud. Safe from little brothers and clumsy friends.
I group my games from favourite to least favourite for each console library. It doesn't always stay organized though
I have two locations for my games: 1 is on a shelf in the other room, and the second is the stack of games I keep around my consoles. The console games are the ones that I am currently working on - or eventually want to work on. Right now there are about 12 around the 360, 6 on the PS3 and 3 on the Wii. As I constantly pick new ones out, these rarely get alphabetized.
The shelf in the other room was a different matter. I tried like heck to keep those alphabetized, with sequels all together and "like" games all together (IE all the James Bond games are collected under "Bond" and kept in the order of release). The problem is - I have two kids and both of them love to game, but neither of them has much of an attention span - so they take titles out and put titles back, and they don't care what order they go in. While that doesn't sound too bad, when you consider I have about 250 360 games, 150 PS3 games and 40 or so Wii games (not to mention an equal number of PS2, PS1, XBox, and GameCube games), you begin to realize how much of a chore it is to actually put all those titles back in order.
So while there is a ghost of alphabetical order on the shelf now... its definitely losing its cohesion.
Nope. I would sooner put them in order of genre or such. Though I don't usually care much about their order.
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