I'll have to answer the question the other way around (I'm a woman).
Hell, I've tried to get my guy to play games. He just loses interest within 10 minutes of playing. It's all too hard for him and he can't seem to memorize the controls. The only games I can get him to play are:
- Wii Sports
- Mario Party (but only if we team up against the AI, he doesn't want to play against me, because he knows he'll lose)
- Mario Kart
- Kinect Adventures
Anything else, he gives up. It's just not his thing. After trying to get him into games for months I stopped trying. I thought it through and decided that he's just not interested in video games, and that's okay. He likes to collect rare coins, remodel/repair houses and watch Discovery Science all day on sundays. It would be like him trying to get me excited to go and collect rare coins; it's not going to happen. So as long as he will allow me to play my games and I allow him to watch Discovery Science all day on sundays, we're good. Just respect the fact that in some ways we are different, but we love each other just the same.
edit: Oh, I play:
Diablo III, Bioshock games, Assassins Creed, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, L.A. Noir, F.E.A.R., Quake 4, Fable games, Dead Space, Max Payne 3 and thats all I can come up with now, but I have more :-p
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