Now if your like me and tired of hearing when someone says "that this is the best game ever." Then this topic is for you. I hate when a fanboy of a certain game or system (lets say Halo 2) always nags other gamers saying that this is the best game ever and if you have a contary belief then they will go out their way to EDUCATE you into beliving that this game is the best ever. And when you finally try the game you find out much to your dismay that it SUCKS. The story sucks, and you hate hearing the Xbox live people screaming and cursing in your ear on how they killed you or vice-visa. Now when you post your opininon about why you didn't like the game you played you are force to hear how it got Game of the Year and a perfect 10 or 9 from other reviewers by 50 different people. Now I don't get where people believe that what game or systemthey like applies to everyone else. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy what you enjoy without having some fanboy tell you what they think is betterwhile putting down what you like. I am tired of hearing "look I have a PS3 it has blu-ray and plays Blu-ray moives and the games graphics are better than any other system" or some Xbox person, "say well I pay however much money for Xbox Live which has the best internet than the other systems combined." Are some people really this inscure about their system that they have to belittle everyone elses opinion.
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