You call the 800 number on the back of your credit/debit card to complain about an unusual charge or an insufficient funds fee. Since you are upset you let a swear word spew out at the unhelpful customer service on the line. Your credit/debit card is now banned and every product you purchased with that credit/debit card you can no longer access. Not to mention your bank's ATM machines have been replaced with inferior machines that are constantly broken and your credit/debit card can only work with their machines. Could you imagine if Bank of America was operated by EA?
EA defeats Bank of America as the worst company in America and joins previous winners of the Golden Poo award such British Petroleum, AIG, and Philip Morris:
The Consumerist is a blog that conducted a bracket survey, in the spirit of March Madness, which asked what company is the worst in America. The results were baffling given that EA, a game developer, marketer, publisher, and distributor with barely five billion dollars of assets was voted a worse company than Bank of America, a multinational bank with over two trillion dollars of assets. Bank of America is also responsible for sparking the ongoing Occupy movement which has encouraged hundreds millions of individuals from across the world to protest the bank while The Consumerist poll collected just over a mere quarter million votes.
So here we are almost a year after the introduction of Origin and over ten million installations and the same concerns and criticism remain un-responded to from EA. With the results of The Consumerist's survey and the release of The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3 we must ask ourselves if we should continue to purchase EA's products.
Is the internet an appropriate platform to protest a gaming company such as EA?
Will EA listen to their customers or continue to ban those who question the company's actions?
Are there any advantages to use EA's distribution platform Origin if the same exclusive titles were available on other distribution platforms?
Why is EA unsuccessfully attempting to line their pockets at the expense of the quality of their products?
And why are gamers still tolerating EA to this day?
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