Sometimes it feels that way to me. Sometimes I run across certain websites that tell amazing tales of games and I think to myself: wow that would be so great.
I only really enjoy following some games I really anctipate, other than that I try to finish all the games I've already bought before the new one come out.
I try to avoid getting hyped up on games, but it still happens. My first hype gone bad was Killzone 2. Even after not liking the feel of the gameplay after playing the demo, I was still sold on getting the game, which I was unsurprisingly disappointed with. Battlefield 3 was the last game I followed for a long time and got hyped up with only to put it down after a few weeks. This was after playing Bad Company 2 for so long and getting tired of online FPS in general. BF3 is of course not like Bad Company 2, which I really enjoyed, and I just couldn't get into it, and just became fed up of online FPS at that point. The next game that will probably put me into a news hunting frenzy will be the next Fallout game, that will be inevitable. Thankfully my excitement for New Vegas didn't ruin it for me as I eventually put as much time into at as with Fallout 3. Of course there are plenty of games I get excited for, but again I try not to overdue the whole hype thing.
Oh yeah, all the time. My mind sees a game get announced and immediately starts thinking of all the potentially amazing things it could have (many which never happen). Then I'm slighly letdown and enjoy the game less. Maybe this is why games I just buy on the spur of the moment I usually end up enjoy more. For example, I hadn't even heard of Red Dead Redemption until I saw the Gamespot review, saw the good score and thought I would try it out. I loved it. Same thing happened for me with Demon's Souls as well, and a few other titles.
Games I consistently hype and think of everyday year round usually don't live up to my high hopes. Not surprising.
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