I say this because people have been complaining BF3 is the same as BC2. Where do MP games go from here? I think there really isnt anywhere to go from here. I think games like BF & MAG have done just about everything a military war game can do.
BF was light years ahead of every other online shooter for years. MP in genral has no where to go from here. I ask anybody this : What do you do when you've added every single thing that encompasses war [customization, teamwork, massive sized maps, huge amount of players, land/sea/air vehicles, destruction, etc]? What do you do when you've added everything? That is where BF is at . . . . its at the top, at its peak.
People complain about cod for the fact that it has more potential but yet sticks with being the most unplayble, broken MP experince ever created. The gameplay has a ton of ways to go though. BF however has been king forever. What seperates one BF title from the next does not come down to gameplay as the gameplay has been fully realized a long time ago.
What seperates one fps game from the next all comes down to feel, presentation, atmosphere, actual mechanics & the way its played [strategy]. Gameplay remains the same throughout all fps games.
What BF3 does different is the mechanics & the way its played. Its a much more realistic, hardcore BF than ever before. BC2 almost played like a cod game where you could run around doing 360 no scopes & such. Now a sniper has to play like a sniper rather a frontlines beats with a ghillie suit for example. Many tweaks to the formula have been made. You will still have the same tools, etc as past BFs so for the most part its the same gameplay. BF cant be attacked for that though since its still light years ahead of everybody else.
I think people are just blind to what MP actually is. Mp was a mode designed to let people shoot at each other over objectives or a place on the scoreboard. There is only so much that can be done with that. ALL the weapons, abilities, vehicles, war toys, etc have been added. Everything has been done. MP reached its full potential a long time ago. Dont expect it to every change, ever. It will be the same as it is now even 10 years from now.
Ive seen the last few ideas that can change MP a little bit from games like StarHawk & UC3. UC3 has moving maps [fighting to take over a moving plane], StarHawk has the ability to manipulate & move map pieces to where they see fit. I think thats it. I dont think much else can be done with MP.
Like i said what seperates one fps game from the next all comes down to feel, presentation, atmosphere, actual mechanics & the way its played [strategy]. Gameplay remains the same throughout all fps games.
Does anybody else see this? Does anybody actually have any good ideas on what else can be done with MP or has MP hit its peak?
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